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Tuesday, June 8, 2010

HOKA HEY! For those that are unaware of what that's an old Sioux war cry that the legendary Crazy Horse used to shout while embarking into war! Literally translated it means... "it's a good time to die!" With that war cry in mind, the HOKA HEY MOTORCYCLE challenge this year begins June 20th. luring riders from all over the country. Each Harley Dealership has been invited to participate and many sponsor riders.
Join *bikerbits* as we follow the travel on one such warrior, my fellow Marine Corps League member Carlos Vieira on his trek from the Florida keys to Alaska. The prize for crossing the finish line first is $500,000! He's riding to help our Veterans!!
This challenge is not for the meek or the weak; and a lot of strong willed red blooded warriors have entered attempting to win the prize.
Each day of the week *bikerbits* will post a link to the map with an update from Carlos, so you ALL can be involved with this challenge, even if you're doing it from your living room couch or office computer chair!
I will be posting information about the event and describing some of the challenges riders meet, and qualifications, and it should be one hellofa ride!

So sit back, stay tuned, and let the race begin! HOKA HEY!
About the Hoka Hey Challenge
Please help Carlos help our Veterans! Carlos is still in need of $280.00 in sponsors/donations to reach his goal.
There are 12 days and a wake up before the start of the Challenge. Carlos is still in need of donations and sponsors.
A Message from Carlos Vieira Hello -- My name is Carlos Vieira. I am an honorably discharged Veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps having served my country from 1987 -- 1991.On June 20th I will become homeless while traveling ...
On June 20th, 2010 Carlos will join some of the world’s most fearless riders for a 7,000+ mile run from Key West, FL to the Kenai Peninsula in Alaska. Across two countries they will ride and test their will as warriors in the Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge!
Many are called but few will be chosen. Only 1,000 chosen individuals – those who can hear 10,000 horses hooves thunder across the prairie as they ride into battle – will be counted among the most elite riders to ever straddle a steel horse.
In the same manner as the finest military organizations, the chosen few will receive a numbered challenge coin, minted with the Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge Logo. And, at the end, there lies a HALF MILLION DOLLARS in ALASKAN GOLD for whoever reaches the final checkpoint first. There is no prize in a warrior society for second place. Every Harley-Davidson™ dealership in the world has been invited to participate so riders should prepare to be challenged not only by the Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge Organizers but by riders from around the globe!
Meaning – It’s a Good Day to Die – “HOKA HEY” was the roar of every warrior that rode into battle with Crazy Horse. Join us as we ride into battle. As we put ourselves on the line to find out just who we are.
Any one looking for way to renew their spirit and do good for those in need, definitely needs to be a part of this great event! Whether you make it to the first gas stop or all the way to Homer, AK; participants who are in Key West at the start of the Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge will be a part of something that is greater than any one of us. We will only follow this particular route one time in history!
Does your heart pump the blood of the warrior grandfathers?
For more information about this Challenge please visit the official Hoka Hey Website