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Friday, June 4, 2010

Metro makes 58 DUI arrests over Memorial Day Weekend

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Metro makes 58 DUI arrests over Memorial Day Weekend
Page Last Updated: Tuesday June 1, 2010 1:15pm PDT
This past Memorial Day Weekend, Metro’s Traffic Bureau conducted an unprecedented five DUI check points throughout the valley.

There were 58 DUI Arrests, three other arrests, and 20 traffic citations issued.

The following is the breakdown for the weekend:

Friday, May 28: 11 DUI Arrests; 2 citations; 1 other arrest; 5,419 vehicles

Saturday, May 29: 14 DUI Arrests; 1 citation; 2 other arrests; 4,887 vehicles

Sunday, May 30: 13 DUI Arrests; 9 citations; 2,964 vehicles

Monday, May 31 #1: 11 DUI Arrests; 3 citations; pending vehicle count

Monday, May 31 #2: 9 DUI Arrests; 5 citations; 1,684 vehicles

What a waste of time and manpower. 58 dui's out of 15000 stops.
I don't care who put up the funds, that is absolutely rediculous.

In California; many police departments brag on how the stops are now being used for other “arrests”. 800 dui stops in Sacramento and 4 DUI arrests; however on a state wide basis; this unconstitutional stops are being used to impound vehicles which generates over $40million in impound revenue and $30million in overtime pay for the cops. Violating our rights has proven to be profitable.