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Thursday, June 3, 2010


ABATE of Florida President Doc Reichenbach is upset over some of the articles that I have written for Born To Ride magazine, a Florida publication based in Brandon Florida.
Owner Ron Galletti contacted me saying that "ABATE came down hard on me and was going to sue us/or Doc was." And "They were going to boycott Born To Ride and call all of our advertisers"
Doc Reichenbach said he felt I was bashing him in my articles. I do not feel that, that is the situation but that I was doing my job as a journalist. Doc does not like it when people have opposing views to his and none are allowed in the ABATE newsletters and press releases.
It is important that people hear and read opposing views to issues so that they can make educated decisions on the issues that affect them or they are interested in. Since ABATE does not allow this the only source is other forms of media.
The correct procedure to respond to anything in the media is to write opposing views to the editor and or the author. We see that everyday in all the newspapers and magazines around the country in Letters To The Editor and Opinions pages.
I stand by everything that I have ever written and am willing to discuss the issues with others of opposing views. They just have to put those views in writing as I do. That way there can not be any of "I did not say that or that is not what I meant" said at a later date.
ABATE states it is a motorcycle rights organization so that means the issues that come before the Florida Legislature pertaining to motorcyclist are addressed by them. The problem that exists is that many of the motorcyclists in Florida and even in the organization itself do not agree with how this is being done.
This is politics and if Doc and or ABATE do not like opposing views then they need to get out of it.
Here is an organization that is loosing members and chapters with many of those complaining about how ABATE is run. ABATE of Florida is claiming a state wide membership of 7500 but wants to speak for all the motorcycle riders in the state.
If you do the math the organizations membership is less than 1% of the registered motorcycles in the state and not all of the membership agrees with what is being done by the present administration.
I think that ABATE is a good organization and that is why I was one of the original founders. I believe they can be a driving force in protecting the rights of motorcyclist and I do believe that ABATE of Florida is entitled to their opinion on how to do this.
What I do not agree with is them trying to stop others from expressing their opinions as well.
To threaten those with opposing views is against everything this organization was started to do.
My questions now is to the membership of ABATE of Florida. Do you condone the president of this organization threatening people? Is this the kind of organization you want to belong to? Is this how you want the rest of the country to look at ABATE of Florida?
Since this is about what I have written and not the magazine I am offering to discuss any issues that Doc Reichenbach has, in Print so that everyone will know what is really going on.
What do you say Doc? Start off by commenting on any of the things that I have written that you consider bashing and we can go from there.
The only restriction is it has to be a publication that will print opposing views.