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Tuesday, June 15, 2010



It was another beautiful San Diego Day for our June meeting at Kate Sessions Park overlooking Mission Bay. We started with reports from Treasurer Michael Decker; from our Membership Coordinator Doc Robinson (welcome to our new members); from Patty Wilber our Recording Secretary; and from Moe Giacalone on Merchandise and Events.
We introduced Douglas Findlay, a transplant from Virginia whose strong suit is working with politicians to get them to see our way of thinking. He will be making Legislative reports at our meeting each month. Check out his Website at www.ride2repeal.
We discussed our plans to attempt tapping into the State Motorcycle Safety Fund to access money to keep the Motorcycle Awareness messages posted on the Electronic Message Signs, sending our messages to the driving public at least once or twice each month.
Chop Giacalone, PAC Committee Chair, made a report on SB 435, with a suggestion for everyone to contact Bonnie Lowenthal, the new Chair of the Assembly Transportation Committee, letting her know that we oppose SB 435. We passed out slips of paper with her phone number, email address, and mailing address.
Because there is so much going on for the Fourth of July, including the local Helmet Law Protest Run, and our next meeting, The Local 6 Officers voted to cancel that next Local 6 meeting. John, our Safety Guy read a good safety article on safe passing. If you spot any area of the road that appears unsafe for motorcycles, let John know (619 223-0421) the exact location so that we can start the process of rectifying the situation.
We asked for reports on past events, and read a list of upcoming events……There’s a lot of good stuff happening this Summer. We advised members to check out our Website at thanks to Webmaster Rick “Animal” Henry and the State Website at thanks to Webmaster Dennis Stalter.
We had reports from our Liaison members from Local 11, Sweetwater HOG, San Diego HOG, the AMA, CMSP, Brothers of the Third Wheel, and the San Diego Confederation of Clubs. The 50/50 was won BoozeFighters MC member “Wolf”, and he donated his winnings back to the Local 6 Treasury. Thanks, Wolf !
Our meetings happen on the first Sunday of each month, and the next meeting will happen on Sunday August 1st….C’mon Down !