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Sunday, June 6, 2010

Help needed in CA

There are three special elections coming up very soon, all for the state legislature. And all three of these races feature solid biker-friendly candidates. Any help you can provide -- as a campaign volunteer -- will make a huge impact.

Special elections always have low voter turnout. That's why "get out the vote" volunteers are so important: They are the deciding factor in who wins these elections.
It's all about political power.
There is no more effective way to lobby our legislators than to help them win races. That way, after they're in the state legislature, they are actually happy to hear from us (and give support to us). Our campaign work also helps knock nanny-crats out of the state capitol. Plus it lets all politicians know that there's a price tag for messing with bikers rights.
The 411 on the upcoming elections ...
The races for Senate District 37 (Riverside) and Assembly District 43 (Glendale) will be history after June 8. Help is urgently needed, since less than 3 weeks remain. Then there's another race soon afterwards on June 22 for Senate District 15 (Monterey).
PLEASE pass the word to bikers you know in and around these districts!
All the needed info is posted on the ELECTIONS page at the top of RIDE2REPEAL.COM. The biker-friendly candidates are listed in GREEN, and clicking on their name will take you to their "volunteer" web page. And if you're not sure how far that district is, just plug your ZIP Code into the box, and instantly get a Google Map showing directions and distance. It's that easy.
Go the extra mile and make a difference.

Get involved AND have a huge impact. RIDE2REPEAL.COM has taken out all the unnecessary and time-consuming steps, just to help get "biker boots" on the ground where it counts, in districts that matter.

Please help -- while it's still up to us. Because win or lose, after the election we are stuck with the results. Let's get the government we deserve ... and we deserve better!

Douglas Findlay

PS: Many thanks to Carol, Dennis, and Jean from ABATE of California for their input on this.