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Thursday, June 10, 2010

Action Alert: SB 435 - Motorcycle NOISE bill - Time to TAKE ACTION

Thanks to everyone who responded to my query about how this has been dealt with in other states and municipalities, especially Boston.. I also found out that it has actually been proposed at the State level in Utah and soundly defeated. Forwarded is our plan to kill it in CA and attached is an interesting message I got (supposedly) from Fran Pavley’s office (the author of the bill we’re fighting). MS Outlook said it looked like a phishing message and automatically disabled the links. I don’t recall ever sending a message to her. Interesting coincidence?

From: []
Sent: Wednesday, June 09, 2010 9:27 PM
Subject: Action Alert: SB 435 - Motorcycle NOISE bill - Time to TAKE ACTION

While nothing has been published on the proposed amendments to SB 435, we've been able to gather that they're planning to create legislation that would make any motorcycle exhaust without the EPA labeling that comes on OEM equipment illegal and subject to a $300 fine. Have you ever tried to find the EPA label even on a stock bike? Can you imagine how a cop could find it?

Based on this information we're going to try and defeat it in the Assembly Transportation Committee where it's currently scheduled to be heard on June 21st. There's nothing preventing Senator Pavley, the author, from changing the proposed amendment, from withdrawing the bill or rescheduling it for hearing at a later date. Right now we need to put as much pressure as possible on the members of the Assembly Transportation Committee in order to give it no chance of passing as currently proposed.

Please go to and read the details as we currently understand them and take the 2 actions requested: send a Letter of Opposition to the Chair of the Committee and contact your own Assemblymember.

It's critical that we apply as much pressure as possible during the next two weeks.
Please pass this on to everyone you know who rides.