High speed police pursuits constitute one of the most dangerous
aspects of police work. Police shootings garner more attention, but
many people are killed or severely injured as a result of fleeing
suspects and pursuing police officers. Hollywood movies typically
depict police officers in “hot pursuit” of a dangerous criminal, but
virtually never depict wholly innocent people, such as child passengers
in the suspect’s vehicle, or pedestrian bystanders, being killed in
crashes and yet they are among the casualties of high speed chases.
Pursuit policies vary among police departments and in different
geographical jurisdictions depending upon whether a city, county, or
state legislature has chosen to address police pursuits. This primer
will provide an overview of this controversial subject and will
recommend that police commanders and policymakers impose restrictions on
police pursuits in order to enhance public safety.
The Controversy
When a police officer activates his vehicle’s siren and emergency
lights, drivers are legally obligated to yield to that show of authority
and to pull their vehicles over to the side of the road to await
further instructions from the officer. It is illegal for a driver to
disregard the siren or emergency lights—especially in an attempt to
elude the police. In the vast majority of cases, drivers comply with
the law and pull over to the side of the road. However, there are
thousands and thousands of cases every year where drivers break the law
and try to speed away and elude the police. When those situations
arise, the police face a dilemma. On the one hand, they are expected to
apprehend lawbreakers and keep the community safe. If they don’t
pursue the violator, he might never be caught and he might also harm
others as he accelerates in his bid to get away. On the other hand, the
pursuit itself creates a danger by having another vehicle, the police
cruiser, attempting to match the now reckless speed of the suspect
When people get killed or injured in crashes from police pursuits, a
heated debate typically ensues over the cause of the accident. Was it
the suspect’s failure to pull over, or was it the police officer’s
decision to pursue the suspect at high speeds? Here are a few chases
that ended with tragic results:
- In June 2016, Officer Stacey Baumgartner was in pursuit of a man who
had allegedly urinated in public, and then drove away. As
Baumgartner’s cruiser sped into an intersection, she was hit by an SUV
carrying a family of seven. Both Baumgartner and an 11-year-old boy in
the SUV died in the crash.
- In May 2013, police received a call about several women who had
stolen some merchandise from Macy’s and departed in a waiting car.
Several police cars chased the women’s vehicle at speeds exceeding 100
mph. The women eventually sped down a freeway exit ramp, ran a red
light, and then crashed into Rosabla Quezada, who was driving her three
sons home from school. Quezada was killed and her 5-year-old son, Jose,
was left with brain damage.
- In June 2013, high school senior Patrick Conway was out riding his
Honda motorcycle. A state trooper pulled him over because he did not
have a license plate. As the trooper stepped out of his cruiser, Conway
sped off. A few minutes later, after weaving through traffic at high
speeds, Conway collided with a BMW and was killed.
- In July 2012, a convenience store manager called the police at 4
a.m. to report that some teenage girls had just shoplifted some
merchandise and had driven away. When a police officer spotted the
suspect vehicle, he gave chase. A few minutes later, the carload of
young girls crashed into a utility pole. One of the passengers,
12-year-old Casey Grace, was sent to Cincinnati Children’s Hospital
Medical Center, where she was listed in critical condition.
- In September 2012, Officer Mark Taulbee heard a radio dispatch at
2:30 a.m. that a man had taken a woman’s car after a domestic
disturbance. When Taulbee saw the Nissan Altima, he started to pursue
it. Shortly thereafter, Taulbee was killed after he lost control of his
car and it flipped over into a ditch on the side of the roadway.
It is true that the suspect-driver is always partially responsible
(and sometimes fully responsible) for any property damage or crash
casualties because, as Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia once
observed, it takes at least two drivers to have a chase.
And yet it is not uncommon to find police officials trying to shift
all responsibility for any harmful consequences on to the suspect-driver
with the argument that had the suspect simply pulled over, as he is
legally obligated to do, there would not have been any crash casualties.
That sweeping claim is misleading and self-serving. If an elderly
lady obstinately refuses a police command to step out of her parked
vehicle, the officer would not be justified in hitting her over the head
with a baton. Similarly, if a shoplifter keeps running after an
officer shouts “Halt!” the officer would not be justified in shooting
him in the back. Disobedience to governmental authority cannot excuse
brutality. By the same reasoning, police pursuits can and should be
evaluated separately from the suspect’s wrongful actions.
Best Practices
Federal appellate Judge Frank Easterbrook has suggested a
cost-benefit analysis of high-speed chases. According to Easterbrook,
such an analysis would “consider not only the risks to passengers,
pedestrians, and other drivers that high-speed chases engender, but also
the fact that if police are forbidden to pursue, then many more
suspects will flee—and successful flights not only reduce the number of
crimes solved but also create their own risks for passengers and
bystanders.” A rigorous academic analysis is beyond the scope of this
primer, but it will be useful to briefly address several preconceptions
that would be pertinent to such an analysis, and also to consider the
experience of certain jurisdictions that have embraced pursuit
The first preconception is that if high-speed pursuits are
restricted, “everyone will just go ahead and flee the police.” This is
an exaggeration. As noted above, in the vast majority of cases, drivers
yield to the police siren and quickly pull over. To do otherwise is to
commit a new offense, something the vast majority of people will
refrain from doing. Limiting pursuits may bring about some increase in
flight cases, but that would likely be on the margin and has to be
weighed against the crashes and injuries averted because of the pursuit
A second preconception is that high speed pursuits typically involve
dangerous criminals. The thinking here is that restricting pursuits
cannot possibly make the community safer because with more violent
offenders avoiding arrest, they will be free to create more mayhem in
the community. This preconception is perhaps understandable because it
is a very common scenario in the movies and on television for the police
to be chasing a dangerous villain at high speeds. Yet, experience shows
that most pursuits are triggered by minor infractions. According to
USA Today, 90 percent of the police chases in California between 2002
and 2014 were for vehicle code violations, not violent crimes.
A third preconception is the idea that restrictions on police
pursuits are tantamount to complete non-enforcement of law. On this
view, restrictions on police pursuits will make the community less safe
because the scofflaws will be emboldened to commit even more
infractions—even if they’re not violent offenses. It is a mistake,
however, to make the leap from certain pursuit restrictions to
non-enforcement. To take one example, some police departments will have
police cruisers back off a chase on the ground but have a helicopter
track the suspect vehicle from above. When the suspect exits the
vehicle, patrol officers are alerted and they will then move in to make
an arrest.
As noted above, pursuit policies vary among America’s 18,000 police
departments. In general, policies and practices have tightened somewhat
over the past 20 years. Whether because of increased media scrutiny,
litigation fears, local politics, or conscientiousness, more and more
departments are embracing pursuit restrictions. Here are several best
- Some departments restrict the types of crimes that can trigger a
chase. For example, allowing police to chase a suspect who committed a
violent felony, but not allowing pursuits for traffic violations.
- Some restrictive policies focus on road conditions, including weather and traffic.
- Some departments prohibit certain tactics used by officers during a
pursuit in order to minimize the risk of an accident, such as ramming
- Most importantly, many jurisdictions require officers to get
supervisor permission in order to initiate a pursuit. The purpose of
this requirement is to take the decision out of the hands of the officer
in the field, who is likely experiencing an adrenaline rush and tunnel
To identify best practices is not to say that they are common. It is
unfortunate that many police departments either continue to leave the
pursuit decision to the discretion of officers in the field, or do not
seriously discipline officers who disregard departmental policy. Policy
changes are too often ad hoc, after a tragedy, rather than after
thoughtful consideration of the latest research.
There is empirical evidence, for example, showing that suspects are
likely to slow down to a safe driving speed if pursuits are called off.
University of South Carolina Professor Geoffrey Alpert interviewed
suspects after they were apprehended and found that 70 percent of
suspects said they would have stopped their flight when they “felt
safe.” They classified “safe” as being 2 miles or 2 city blocks ahead
of police.
In 2010, the Milwaukee Police Department put in a place a more
restrictive policy after pursuits caused the deaths of four innocent
people in a short period of time. After the first tragedy, Police Chief
Ed Flynn defended his department by telling everyone that the chase
officers “followed department policy.” After the second tragedy, Chief
Flynn came to recognize that another policy would make his community
safer. Chief Flynn acknowledged that his immediate duty is “to protect
life: the lives of the innocent, the lives of police officers and the
lives of offenders.”
In 2006, the Dallas Police Department (DPD) put in place one of the
most restrictive pursuit policies in the country. In 2011, while
slightly altering the pursuit guidelines, the Dallas Chief of Police
David Brown noted, “injuries and deaths to both officers and citizens
have plummeted since the institution of the current policy. This must
continue to be our focus when deciding to engage in high-risk activities
such as police pursuits.” DPD restricts pursuits to situations where
the suspect “poses a danger to the public that outweighs the risks posed
by the pursuit” – e.g. violent felonies.
One important way to avoid tragedies is to find alternatives to high
speed chases. “Bait vehicle” technologies have provided law enforcement
with a powerful tool to catch car thieves in a safe and effective
manner. With the ability to shut down the engine of the bait car
remotely, there is no need for a high-speed pursuit. Another alternative
tactic, as mentioned above, is helicopters. While helicopters are
expensive and not all police departments can afford them, it would be
worthwhile to improve regional and interagency cooperation in order to
avoid, or at least reduce, high-speed pursuits. Drones will doubtless be
tested for pursuit surveillance as a less expensive substitute for
helicopters over the next ten years.
A serious obstacle that has hobbled a thorough cost-benefit analysis
of police pursuits has been inadequate information. The National
Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) tries to track the
circumstances of all automobile fatalities. According to NHTSA,
pursuits kill about 350 people every year. However, NHTSA’s tally has
severe limitations. First, NHTSA only tallies deaths, not injuries.
Second, even NHTSA’s fatality numbers are very likely to undercount the
actual figure. This is because NHTSA relies upon police department
reports on the automobile deaths. If the fleeing suspect hits a tree
and dies, officers might report the fatality, but omit the circumstances
of the police pursuit.
USA Today discovered and reported on such discrepancies in NHTSA’s statistics.
In 2014, Texas created a public statewide database for
officer-involved shootings. Every police agency must report shootings
to the state attorney general. The attorney general (AG), in turn, is
required to post information about the shooting within five days. Each
year, the AG must issue a public report summarizing his annual findings.
Unlike some questionable proposals for federal data-collection, this
state-level data-gathering model is fully consistent with the
constitutional principle of federalism. Every state should have such a
system in place, not just for shootings, but for police chases as well,
whether there are casualties or not. One of the benefits of
decentralized policing is that departments can experiment with different
policies, the results can then be studied, and best practices
identified or refined. To make the reporting model work, however, state
policymakers must find a way to sanction local departments that do not
meet their reporting responsibilities.
- High speed police pursuits are inherently dangerous. They too often
end in crashes that kill and severely injure people, including innocent
- Many police pursuits are in response to non-violent offenses or even
minor infractions. The risks posed by high speed pursuits in such
situations are unjustified.
- The legal standards that apply to police pursuits vary across
jurisdictions, but it is possible to embrace best practices that go
beyond the legal minimum standard.
- Although there are about 100,000 police pursuits and hundreds of
casualties every year, policymakers have largely neglected this
dangerous aspect of police work. State-wide policies should be in place
to both restrict and track police pursuits.
Suggested Readings
Geoffrey A. Alpert and Cynthia Lum,
Police Pursuit Driving: Policy and Research (New York: Springer, 2014).
Kay Falk, “Chase or Not to Chase?: That’s the Question Facing Police
Departments Around the Country,” Law Enforcement Technology, Volume 33,
Issue 10 (October 2006).
Thomas Frank, “High-Speed Police Chases Have Killed Thousands of Innocent Bystanders,”
USA Today, July 30, 2015.
Hugh Nugent, et al., “Restrictive Policies for High-Speed Police
Pursuits” (Washington, DC: National Institute of Justice, Issues and
Practices Series No. 122025) (1990).
Richard G. Zevitz, “Police Civil Liability and the Law of High Speed Pursuit,”
Marquette Law Review 70 (1987): 237.
Prepared by Tim Lynch.