Thanks to those who have donated and supported so far..
Please share and help get raise more funds for Dave..

"Good As Gold Fighting Fund"
"The Qld government and the QPS have stated clearly and on many occasions that social motorcyclists and innocent people have nothing to fear ."
Well ask Dave Griffey has he got anything to fear, given he is now looking at minimum 6 months jail and possibly loosing his pride and joy his motorbike he has owned for 21 Years, for doing no more than attending a public event.
As a motorcyclist for his entire adult life, Dave has not only attended the Good As Gold run but numerous other motorcycling events attended by and organized by numerous motorcycle clubs.
Motorcycle shows, tattoo shows, poker runs and motoring events where all walks of life from mums and dads to the big bad patch wearing Bikies all mingling together enjoying the motorcycle lifestyle.
Dave a 50-year-old disabled pensioner now having to wait to see the unknown outcome of court proceedings
to see if he will be found guilty of an offense that he knows he most certainly isn't guilty of, namely being a participant in a declared organization.
Dave has stated and will again under oath that he is not and never has been a member, prospective member, nominee or hangaround of either the Hells Angels or any other club in fact Dave has never been a member or Participant of any motorcycle club social or otherwise.
On the morning of the 24th March His home was raided his motorbike and personal effects confiscated by police all because he did what he had done many many times before in his life attended a motorcycling event.
Dave’s financial situation is one of many pensions of his age, he lives in a housing commission house has a very dated and modest car and lives week to week.
He can't afford nor should he have to pay big dollar lawyers to take on the government and the police.
If you are as offended by and concerned with the very nature of these laws in Qld as I am
If you feel for and can empathize with an innocent mans uncertain future,
If you want to see justice prevail and ensure no more innocent Qld are subjected to these laws.
Then please give anything you can to help Dave to be adequately represented by a good a legal team
and ensure this innocent man and any others are not the victims of these absurd laws and the misuse of them by the QPS.
By donating you can not only help Dave but also assist in righting a wrong and bring attention to the ridiculous legislation.
"Funds that are raised through this campaign will be paid directly to a legal team via Good As Gold.
NO funds or transactions will go to or through Dave".
Any amount in excess of what is needed will be donated back to a charity of Daves Choice.
Thank You for your Support
Please Donate now