The prospect./probate
For a prospect its simple, Keep your mouth shut, never discuss
club business with anyone, and the reality is a prospect is the bottom of the
chain. To be really good, learn all members names, Easy,
learn their occupations, hobbies, etc, A club is a brotherhood so be a brother,
also make sure you are available for all events, all prospects are expected to
do as they are told or instructed, that's a given. IF a officer needs his back
watched at a outing or a run, or a brother is broke down at 2 am, just be there.
The more you do the easier it is to become a member. You are being watched and
it will be noticed, always remember as a prospect you have no rank or
privileges, and upon introducing yourself to any patch holder. You must only
introduce yourself as a prospect of the ****** Motorcycle club, and keep all
other conversation to a minimum, its time to start thinking of a road name. We
will pick a name and it will be who you are when in club attire. The road name
will be short and describe your personalityor something that happens to you are that you do that the Patch Holders think would be an appropriate road name. If
your probate time gets extended it means you have screwed up, and you should
talk to your sponsor. Prospecting should not be looked at as a necessary evil,
but a labour of love. All the horrific shit you,ve heard about initianation or
rite of passage ritual from prospect to member is true. Good luck.
PS, Never leave a patch holder anyplace, never
ever, especially out of town always stay to the end. Unless you have a extreme
reason, like your family has a emergency. Parents or
children. ( Family ) remember all PH are brothers. Respect is the biggest lesson
some guys have to learn..
Acquitted M/C