Motorcyclists exercise their freedom of choice
Rich Levesque Gales Ferry
Publication: The Day
Published 06/08/2011 12:00 AMUpdated 06/08/2011 03:28 AM 0 0
Ten motorcycles passed by one afternoon. Eight people were not wearing a helmet, but two people were. It does speak for itself. ("So many motorcyclists and so few helmets," published June 5.)
The riders were exercising their right of choice for themselves, not the choice of Big Brother or people who want to impose their beliefs on others.
My wife chooses to wear a helmet; I don't. As for the notion that laws save lives, well, alcohol and smoking kill a lot of people, but I bet money plays a big part as to why these big killers of people aren't illegal.
We supposedly live in a free society yet more laws are constantly written to control Americans under the pretense that the laws are good for us. If we saw every law that's on the books, I think it would scare everyone to death.
That being said, I wish everyone a happy day.