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Sunday, March 17, 2013

NEVADA'S HELMET LAW - Response to Senator G.

Dear Senator Gustavson,

It's extremely offensive and degrading to beg anyone for a scrap of liberty that never should have been taken away.  I did that two years ago and I will never again lower myself to the level of many of your corrupt colleagues and the agents they really serve.

Please do not pretend to me that they answer to "the people."  That is a myth.  Clearly the colleagues you defend are self-serving power-thirsty tyrants that would use their power to punish one person they hate (me?) to retaliate against the entire Nevada riding community.  You clearly illustrated that your colleagues are narcissistic, power-hungry, elitist rulers who will sacrifice Nevada's economy for one reason and one reason only:  because they can.  The actions of your colleagues that you describe are not those of servants, they are of those of rulers.

Each law they pass gives more power to their blood-thirsty drones - the police officers that have murdered countless innocent victims in Nevada - WITHOUT ACCOUNTABILITY!!  See this vid to get an idea of what we "ordinary" people have to deal with.  Of course, since you are part of "the ruling class" YOU and the colleagues that your claim to respect, will never have to submit to this type of tyranny.  I hope you take three minutes of your valuable time to view this short vid that I produced that illustrates exactly how the drones treat we-the-ruled (not We the People.)

Your correspondence deeply saddens me, as it confirms what I already knew.  And while I appreciate that you have been a warrior in an effort to remove Nevada's helmet-bondage law, please do not blame your failure to succeed on any alleged action of mine from two years ago.

Only one-third of all states have this archaic law - a law that may well be killing more bikers than saving.  But we will never know, since the dead can't talk.

Lily Gonzalez, USMC Vet - VIVA LA FIRST AMENDMENT - until it's taken away by our ruling class.
And finally, the top-most reason to kill SB150 is to send a strong message to the average baby-boomer motorcyclist – many of whom are Vietnam Vets - that THEY ARE TOO STUPID, INSANE, AND IRRESPONSIBLE  to know when and if to wear a helmet while riding on a Nevada road.

Re: Senate Bill 150

Dear Ms. Gonzales,

Although I do appreciate your passion and tenacity on this issue and understand your need to make your feelings known. Certain methods over the years have tended to hinder my efforts as a Legislator to effect change. I might not always agree with my colleagues on all issues, but I do respect each and every one of them. Every Legislator here has been elected by their constituents, and we acknowledge that each Legislator is here to represent the people who elected them. For that reason, we as a body must do our best to work together during these 120 days while we deal with many unique issues facing the State of Nevada.

As you know, I have been a determined proponent who has labored many years working to modify our current helmet laws. This has always been done in a very professional manner, and last session we saw great movement and strides in getting this bill out of committee thanks to the diligent work by many members of the motorcycle community. Unfortunately, we saw this bill get stalled most likely due to an incident of disrespect that was shown to the Majority Leader and others. Although it was unclear who initiated the personal attacks against the Majority Leader and others, it is clear that the legislative process was harmed.

As lawmakers, we are constitutionally bound to a brief period of time to legislate over many matters of concern regarding the State of Nevada, and there is no room to allow disrespect for any of my colleagues or the legislative process. A recent email that was directed to members of the Senate Transportation Committee was unproductive and ineffectual and I have no doubt it has thwarted the process in moving Senate Bill 150 towards realization.

I am the personal author of 18 Senate Bills this session and a co-sponsor of several other bills. As you know, I work in the minority along with many of my colleagues, and certain actions will only prove to be hurtful to our cause rather than helpful as we strategize to move all of our bills forward.

Time is of the essence, and as Lawmakers we need to prioritize. I have no doubt that Senate Bill 150 has been marginalized once again due to certain inactions levied toward my colleagues, and it would be a detriment to all my constituents and the other bills that I am sponsoring to further expend my energies on a bill that is most likely deceased at this point. For those reasons, I am going to have to pull the bill for this session and utilize my energy on the many other bills that I am authoring or sponsoring.

This was not an easy decision… I was motivated by the recent passage to amend the Michigan helmet mandate. Using the Michigan Licensed Beverage Association’s Survey, I was able to procure meetings with industry leaders and sell them on the idea of how passage of this bill would benefit the economy our state. Taking this bill to top and working down would strengthen our forces who would work diligently to repeal this mandate, just as they did in Michigan.

Unfortunately, I am sure the bottom has been pulled out from underneath my feet, and I do not wish to misuse the hard-working efforts of the motorcycle community and industry leaders on an effort that is been severely impaired.

Personal attacks are not appropriate or productive. The ability to persuade is an effort that requires tactfulness. As the old adage goes: “You can capture more flies with honey rather than vinegar.” For years, I have stood strongly with the motorcycle community on this issue and have worked every session to modify the law. In the future I will continue to gather support of constituents and industry leaders to work at the legislative level to repeal this current mandate in a process that shows the utmost respect to our elected officials who labor here, so long as I know that our efforts are not futile.

Most Sincerely,

Don Gustavson
State Senator
P.O. Box 51601
Sparks, NV  89435
office  775-684-1480
Fax     775-684-1358
Twitter: @DonGustavson