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Thursday, November 24, 2011

AUSTRALIA - Bikie shooter Bedson could be out in 2014

ONE of two brothers convicted over the killing of Bandido's bikie Ross Brand has had his sentence slashed.Derek Bedson, who instigated the 2008 Geelong Cup day shooting, was originally jailed for 12 years with a non-parole period of eight years after pleading guilty to manslaughter and reckless conduct endangering life.
That sentence was yesterday set aside by the Court of Appeal and Derek Bedson was re-sentenced to a minimum five years behind bars.
With time already served he will be eligible for parol by August 2014 .
Bedson's half-brother, John Bedson, who was the founding member of Death Before Dishonour an offshoot of the Rebels Motorcycle Club, shot Brand outside the Bandido's Breakwater club house on October 22, 2008.
The Court of Appeal heard it was a revenge shooting after Derek Bedson told him one of the DBD members had been assaulted by the Bandidos at the Geelong Cup races earlier in the day.
The court heard Derek Bedson supplied the .22 semi-automatic rifle that was used in the attack.
The brothers were driven to the Bandidos club house where a hail of bullets were fired, with one hitting Brand in the head and another member in the thigh.
Brand died in hospital the next day.
Derek Bedson was 21 years old at the time. He appealed the sentence on the grounds it was "manifestly excessive" in that it failed to take into account his youth, his intent not to cause injury to others and his prospects of rehabilitation.
The court was told Derek Bedson had completed a carpentry apprenticeship and was twice named apprentice of the year by his employer.
The court also heard Derek Bedson suffered anxiety and paranoia, which was attributed to the physical abuse he endured at the hands of his brother during his childhood.
In the Court of Appeal judgement handed down yesterday, Justice Buchanan said he agreed with the grounds of appeal.
He said Derek Bedson intended that the clubhouse be sprayed with bullets and the Bandidos placed in fear, but did not intend to kill.
"This was a case where the difference between the level of harm intended by (Derek Bedson) and the consequences of the actions of his brother were significant indeed," Justice Buchanan said.
Derek Bedson was re-sentenced to eight years jail with a non-parole period of five years.
He has already served 781 days of his sentence.