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Thursday, November 24, 2011

To Kill Cancer - a cure has been found

Certainly worth looking into...............

I don't have cancer, but if I did, I  would check further into this. 
Subject: To Kill Cancer - a cure has been found watch the video. 

   I am amazed that even retired Lloyd Robertson spoke of this on one of his evening news broadcasts a few years ago - and the lady he was interviewing was very honest by saying - "If there is no profit to be made, no company will want to sell something that will not make them $$$$$$$$".                        
Please take nine minutes to watch this, it could help you or someone you love one day!

You decide…….
To all my family, friends and acquaintances... if this information is even 66% accurate, I hope that every Canadian and American will make sure everyone in their email circle gets a copy, then become active in promoting it through their doctors and elected officials, because that's a better success rate for defeating cancer than what we have now!!!