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Saturday, June 5, 2010

No help from MLA on some key issues

EVEN CANADA HAS ISSUES No help from MLA on some key issues

Courier-Islander June 2, 2010

I have been asking for our MLA, Claire Trevena, for help on a few different issues that have come before the BC Legislature. Motorcycles have been a passion of mine since I was a young boy. I have always followed regulations and abided by the law. But in the last few years there have been a number of issues that I have considered above and beyond what is necessary. A few years ago a bill was proposed to change the legal limit of motorcycle noise from 89db to 83db. The legal limit on noise pollution from all motor vehicles is 89db, and the new bill singled out motorcycles to have a new limit of 83db which is less than all vehicles. I attempted to contact Clair Trevena, our MLA, to ask for her help. I left voice mail and e-mail messages. She never returned my phone calls or emails. Not even an acknowledgement that she received anything.

Then the new cell phone law was coming in. I was concerned that Amateur radios would be included in the exemption while driving as well. As they are a public service and used during emergencies I and many others considered this very important. Again I sent emails and left voice messages to no avail. She didn't return a phone call or an email. If it wasn't for an MLA in another part of BC nothing would have happened again.

The latest in a list of disregarded letters and phone calls is the changes to the motor vehicle act. The helmet laws have changed without a voice from those who disagree with it. I had no voice in the legislature because the MLA who supposedly represents those of the North Island doesn't have time to answer her emails or voice messages. Now because I did not have a voice at the Legislative assembly my thoughts could not be heard. The RCMP now has the power to take your helmet WITHOUT WARRANT. I am opposed to giving that kind of authority to anyone. I contacted our MLA's office several times via telephone and e-mail to voice my opinion. I feel more of my civil liberties have been taken from me and the MLA did absolutely nothing. This representative of the constituents of the North Island finally contacted me, after the bill had been voted on and passed. In this e-mail Ms. Trevena was kind enough to point out who introduced the bill and the official opposition. She did not address my issues or even acknowledge them. She did NOTHING. I would have had better results standing at the doors of the Legislative assembly and yelling than I did following the proper channels.

Three times I have needed help from our MLA Claire Trevena, and three times I have been ignored. Why do we have an MLA who cares so little about her constituents? She has no interest in speaking for the citizens that elected her. She claims to be an experienced journalist with a history of social activism. As a journalist she should have at least been interested in what I had to say and as a social activist she should understand the importance of standing up for what you believe in. Unless it's something dear to her heart or on Quadra Island she has no time. Why do we keep electing someone who does NOT address the concerns of the constituency? We need a voice for the North Island and it is apparent Claire Trevena cannot fulfil this Job. It's time to replace her with someone who cares. When is the next election?

Tim McNeil