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Sunday, November 3, 2013

Must See for All Patriots! Most Honest 3 Minutes in Television [Video]

The most honest three minutes in television
It’s throwback Thursday here at The Free Patriot, so we’re going back about nine months to bring you a video that every red, white and blue blooded American should watch.
We should all be proud to be Americans, however, we’ve got to keep an ever careful eye on the concept of Nationalism and the dangers it brings, such as brainwashing and misconceptions.
Nationalism, in layman’s terms, is the idea that your country is number one, and every other country is number none- in all things good- no ifs ands or buts!
Nationalism is not specific to the U.S. Most countries around the world suffer from the ideology of Nationalism to some degree, and it does little more than hold them back in advancements economically, technologically, and in regard to all things social.
This video is not an insult to America or Americans, rather, a slap in the face wake up call of how delusional the younger generations of Americans have become, riding the coat-tails of previous generations of American’s successes in making this a great nation.
This video calls us to face some facts that aren’t so pleasant to look at, but we must always remember what one great American said, a former actor and G.E. Theater spokesman who went on to become the 40′th President of the United States, Ronald Reagan. He said, “Placing your head in the sand in light of unpleasant facts is folly.”
Here are some unpleasant facts this video points out that we must face, and work on changing, to once again become that shining city on the hill that people continue to look to, for guidance; future generations of Americans as well as the rest of the peoples of the world. We can look to the past for greatness, but only as a guide. It’s time to stop fancying about what used to be, and make it become current reality once again.
Facts stated in the video: (Warning- there is a bit of adult language in the first part of the video- but the speaker is bashing liberals, so that can be expected and excused in such instances).
1- America is not the only country on earth that has freedom. Other countries that have freedom include Canada, Japan, the U.K., France, Italy, Spain- roughly 180 sovereign nations on earth have freedom.
2- Worldwide, the U.S. only ranks 7′th in literacy, 27′th in math, 22′nd in science, 49′th in life expectancy, 3′rd in median household income, 4′th in labor, and 4′th in exports.
3- The U.S. leads the world in three other categories; the number of incarcerated citizens, the number of adults who believe angels are real, and defense spending, where we spend more than the next 26 countries combine, 25 of whom are our allies.
At end of this part of the rant, be sure to listen, because we are reminded why America, without doubt, used to be the greatest country in the world. These reasons include:
1- We stood up for what was right, and we passed laws for moral reasons.
2- We waged wars on poverty, not poor people.
3- We made great big things and we made un-Godly technological advances.
4- We traveled the Universe, cured diseases, had the world’s greatest artists and the greatest economy.
5- We reached for the stars, acted like men, and aspired for intelligence- it didn’t make us feel inferior.
Finally, in the closing of the diatribe, the speaker brings up the very point we, as American Patriots who aspire for greatness once again, need to hear most of all. The first part in fixing any problem is in admitting that you have one. America is not the greatest country anymore.
But you and I, along with our neighbors and family members and countrymen from sea to shining sea, can make this nation the beacon of hope it used to be once again. The time to sit by idly, allowing others to continue to drag us further down the list of rankings in all things good is over. The time to act is now.