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Wednesday, July 17, 2013



It will take radical actions to be effective in order to ROAR - Restore Our American Republic and to restore power to the People.

"Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered."
- Thomas Paine

It is not possible for a country to remain a Constitutionally Limited Republic without preserving the established constitution with enforcement. (OUR Constitution need not be defended, it only need be upheld with enforcement.) As it is not possible to enforce the constitution without virtue and discernment. How can a country have public servants with virtue and good character that are dedicated to preserving OUR Constitution without legitimate elections and campaign reform? How can a country that is divided by political parties uphold their constitution when Congress is divided rather than having balance with the Senate and House? How can this country be fiscally responsible without congressional control of the currency as provided for in OUR Constitution? How can this country be sovereign while belonging to the United Nations?
What will it take for We The People to ROAR?

Seven Steps To Restore Power To The People:

1) Be a People of virtue.
2) With discernment, elect public servants that are by the People, for the People and Liberty.
3) Enforce legitimate elections and demand campaign reform.
4) Ban political parties with a good start of not allowing political designations on ballots with the Candidates names only.

5) Put in place a system for enforcing OUR Constitution.

6) End the Federal Reserve and the IRS.
7) Get out of the United Nations for our sovereignty.

The way is to extinguish the Shadow Government and their power while empowering The People and OUR Constitution with EFFECTIVE ACTIONS.

The ONLY road to ROAR is with Radical Actions in order to restore power to the People.

The ONLY way that We The People can govern is with every DULY elected public servant being Independent.

We need to put an end to the left/right paradigm divide. The sole purpose for political parties is to divide so that the Shadow Government can conquer and control.

"There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties, each arranged under its leader, and concerting measures in opposition to each other. This, in my humble apprehension, is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution."
- John Adams

It is the duty of We The People to enforce OUR Constitution.

"The understanding was that if American citizens were in fact to be the masters rather than the servants of government, they themselves would have to police the national government that was created by them for their mutual benefit."

"Government is instituted for the common good; for the protection, safety, prosperity, and happiness of the people; and not for profit, honor, or private interest of any one man, family, or class of men; therefore, the people alone have an incontestable, unalienable, and indefeasible right to institute government; and to reform, alter, or totally change the same, when their protection, safety, prosperity, and happiness require it.
The fabric of American empire ought to rest on the solid basis of THE CONSENT OF THE PEOPLE.
The streams of national power ought to flow from that pure, original fountain of all legitimate authority."
- Alexander Hamilton, Federalist No. 22, December 14, 1787

"While the People are virtuous they cannot be subdued; but when once they lose their Virtue they will be ready to surrender their Liberties to the first external or INTERNAL Invader."
- Samuel Adams

As the people of this country, we should always remember the principles in which this country was formed. Holding true to principles of virtue is what can protect us from an unprincipled government, with understanding that we have rights that are unalienable and can not be taken away. Only as we hold on to the powers given us by OUR Constitution can we use the legal document as our authority over the government. For words are powerless without authority. OUR Constitution merely shows us our authority. It is up to the people of principle and virtue to exercise the authority that has been won by the blood of the three percent.

Without virtuous principle the people have no power to use their authority.

To change government, it is the people that must change, change back to the principles of virtue that this country was formed with.

The restoration of the American Republic from tyranny begins with a People of virtue, principle and character that rightly uses discernment.

"The only foundation of a free Constitution, is pure Virtue, and if this cannot be inspired into our People in a greater measure than they have it now, they may change their Rulers, and the forms of Government, but they will not obtain a lasting Liberty."
- John Adams

To have virtue is to have spiritual understanding with love, truth and right thinking that comes from faith.
Faith is courage with unwavering believing.
The result of virtue is to have right power.

Corrupt government is the result of the People lacking virtue and discernment.
Corrupt politicians being duly elected are the result of the People not seeing wolves in sheep's clothing with discernment.
How much is the media able to extinguish discernment in the People?
How much does selfish desires extinguish discernment?
Can virtue exist with selfish desires?
Can Liberty remain without virtue and discernment?
Can the People have legitimate elections without virtue and discernment?
Can the People have righteous political campaigns without virtue?
Can the People have uncontrolled Independents for Independence without virtue and discernment?
Can the People enforce OUR Constitution without virtue?
Can the People demand the abolishment of the Federal Reserve and the IRS without virtue?
Can the People demand that America get out of the United Nations for our Independence and Sovereignty without virtue?

Some of these may be able to be accomplished without virtue, but none could stand without virtue and discernment.

People need to stop trying to change government, when it is the People that need to change.
The character of Government is the result of the character of the People.

The first step to Restore Our American Republic is for the People to be of Virtue.

It is the People getting back to our roots of virtue, good character and principles that will bring us a government that is for the People and Liberty.