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Tuesday, April 2, 2013

The Magic Words: A Know-Your-Rights Mixtape

Music is a powerful medium through which to share ideas. That’s why it’s awesome to see “The Magic Words: A Know-Your-Rights Mixtape” created by Lonnie Ray Atkinson, Anitek, G-O-N and others. Like the content here at Cop Block, the tracks are licensed under a Creative Commons License so feel free to share/utilize!
This mixtape is now also linked-to from and
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From Lonnie Ray Atkinson [bio below]:
The following PSAs are meant to remind listeners of their rights and address particularly the constitutional abuses (now acknowledged by a federal judge) of stop-and-frisk policy in New York.
Instrumentals by Anitek and G-O-N
Special thanks to Moira Meltzer-Cohen and the New York Law Collective.
Click the play button below to hear all the entire mixtape, or click a track title to listen to whatever catches your interest.
The Magic Words: A Know-Your-Rights Mixtape by Lonnie Ray Atkinson

Click the play button below to hear all the entire mixtape, or click a track title to listen to whatever catches your interest.
The Magic Words: A Know-Your-Rights Mixtape by Lonnie Ray Atkinson

Magic Words: Intro (with G-O-N)

Melody and Lyrics: Lonnie Ray Atkinson
Vocals: Lonnie Ray Atkinson
Music Track: Instrumental (Gut Check) by G-O-N
Narrator: Today we’re going to learn the magic words
Narrator: Today we’re going to learn the magic words
Narrator: The Following PSAs are brought to you by / are brought to you by / are brought to you by
Sample: the constitutional abuses of Stop-and-Frisk policy
Sample: What do you do if you’re stop and frisked?……..
Sample: How do you know if you’re rights are being violated?….
Sample: Way things are today, folks gotta have an arrest plan.
Sample: This ain’t about guilt or innocence. / This ain’t about guilt or innocence. It’s about you exercising your rights.
Narration: You’re listening to The Magic Words: A Know-Your-Rights Mixtape
Narration: Today we’re going to learn / Today we’re going to learn
Sample: It’s about you exercising your rights.
Sample: What do you do if you’re stop and frisked? / What do you do if you’re stop and frisked?
Narration: Let’s get started.
Narration: Let’s get started.
Sample: What do you do if you’re stop and frisked?……..

Magic Words: Verse One (with Anitek)

Melody and Lyrics: Lonnie Ray Atkinson
Vocals: Lonnie Ray Atkinson
Music Track: Instrumental (Sound Bite) by Anitek (Anitek (TripHop) and Sound Bite by Anitek (TripHop))
don’t interfere or obstruct
don’t touch an officer or their stuff
don’t give false docs, IDs, or fake names
you ain’t gotta give nothing unless you’re being detained
and that means you ain’t gotta sweat questions
but if you’re gonna talk, don’t give details, don’t get defensive
and blast the magic words if the cops are in your brain
“Am I free to go? Am I being detained?”
“Am I free to go?” If yes, then walk on
“Am I being detained?” If no, then be gone
but if they go ahead and detain you, ask ‘em why
and make notes – you’re the only one that’s on your side
now in detainment, they can ask for ID verification
they can try and grill you for information
they can pat you down over your clothes
but aside from those three, this is what you need to know
you got the constitutional right to hit pause
remaining silent ain’t guilt, it ain’t probable cause
but when it comes to searches, silence is consent
so in order to exert your fourth amendment
say it loud so crowds can hear the magic words
“I do not consent to this search.”
“I do not consent to this search.”
“I do not consent to this search.”
there’s really only one thing left if they want to press it
and you better know the moment the cuffs hit, it’s best if
you say, “I am not resisting arrest.”
“Officer, I am not resisting arrest.”
you got the magic words, stay calm and compliant
“Officer, I am going to remain silent.”
“Officer, I want to speak to a lawyer.”
then clinch your mouth until your jaw burns
if you say anything, it best be the magic words
I put them in the chorus, so we could rehearse
and get it down, so when it’s time you can bring it
and if you’re scared to say it then you can sing it

Magic Words: Chorus One (with Anitek)

Melody and Lyrics: Lonnie Ray Atkinson
Vocals: Lonnie Ray Atkinson
Music Track: Instrumental (Champioonee) by Anitek (Anitek (TripHop) and Champioonee by Anitek (TripHop))
Am I free to go
Am I free to go
Am I free to go
Am I being detained
I do not consent to this search
I do not consent to this search
(say it loud so everyone can hear you)
(what happens if they arrest you)
I’m going to remain silent
I want to speak to a lawyer
I am not resisting arrest
(don’t resist, it’ll only work against you)
(one more time, what happens if they stop you)
Am I free to go
Am I free to go
Am I free to go
Am I being detained
I do not consent to this search
I do not consent to this search
(say it loud so everyone can hear you)
(what happens if they arrest you)
I’m going to remain silent
I want to speak to a lawyer
I am not resisting arrest
(don’t resist, it’ll only work against you)
(know your rights, let the magic words work for you)

Magic Words: Verse Two (with Anitek)

Melody and Lyrics: Lonnie Ray Atkinson
Vocals: Lonnie Ray Atkinson
Music Track: Instrumental (Chewie) by Anitek (Anitek (TripHop) and Chewie by Anitek (TripHop))
now when your rearviews fill with flashing blue brights
stay in your ride, cut on the interior light
license and registration within reach in plain view
crack the window, hands back on the wheel, ten and two
move slowly, announce everything you about to do
and if you’re asked to step out, lock the door behind you
they can search the passenger side glove for weapons
but anything more than that, remember your lessons
I do not consent to this search, calm and polite
I don’t care if it takes all night, that’s your rights
it ain’t disrespect, it ain’t a hassle
it’s your constitution, from your car to your castle
and speaking of your castle, be proactive with your space
hang a sign outside your place
saying, “we don’t consent to the police in our home without a warrant
here’s our attorney’s name, here’s our attorney’s number”
and if johnny law ever comes a-tappin’ your door
ask for the warrant, check what they allowed to look for
and make notes of everything that happens
rooms they search, funny behavior, faces and badges
now if they ain’t no warrant, tell them to go away
then ring up your attorney with that play by play
and if they won’t leave, they gonna have to work for it
without a warrant, you can make ‘em kick in the door for it
and if they bust in claiming a threat to public safety
don’t interfere, don’t resist, just state plainly
I do not consent to a search, now put that in your report
while I sit here and make notes for court
you within the law – ain’t no need to be scared
you ain’t gotta be guilty to be prepared
and that means you school anyone staying in your home
if they alone, this routine best be square in they dome
take the time to make a plan, worth your life
from the curb to your car to the crib, you got rights
singa-singa-sing along – so we can memorize the magic words
this chorus goes out to my liberty loving nerds

Magic Words: Chorus Two (with Anitek)

Melody and Lyrics: Lonnie Ray Atkinson
Vocals: Lonnie Ray Atkinson
Music Track: Instrumental (Recall) by Anitek (Anitek (TripHop) and Anitek-Recall by Anitek (TripHop))
Am I free to go
Am I being detained
Am I free to go
Am I being detained
Am I free to go
Am I being detained
I do not consent to this search
Am I free to go
Am I being detained
Am I free to go
Am I being detained
Am I free to go
Am I being detained
I do not consent to this search
I’m going to remain silent
I want to speak to a lawyer
I’m going to remain silent
I am not resisting arrest
I’m going to remain silent
I want to speak to a lawyer
I’m going to remain silent
I am not resisting arrest
Am I free to go
Am I being detained
Am I free to go
Am I being detained
Am I free to go
Am I being detained
I do not consent to this search
Am I free to go
Am I being detained
Am I free to go
Am I being detained
Am I free to go
Am I being detained
I do not consent to this search
I’m going to remain silent
I want to speak to a lawyer
I’m going to remain silent
I am not resisting arrest
I’m going to remain silent
I want to speak to a lawyer
I’m going to remain silent
I am not resisting arrest

Magic Words: Verse Three (with Anitek)

Melody and Lyrics: Lonnie Ray Atkinson
Vocals: Lonnie Ray Atkinson
Music Track: Instrumental (Vast Shutdown) by Anitek (Anitek (TripHop) and Vast Shutdown by Anitek (TripHop))
don’t fib to federal agents, it’s a crime
even trivial lies’ll have you doing time
best chance if you’re hoping to walk
bust early with the magic words, then don’t talk
same thing if you get rung up
don’t talk, phones are made to be hung up
but if you can score the caller’s job, number, or name
write it down, call your counsel, it’s a details game
now private security ain’t entitled to nothing
don’t say nothing, don’t sign nothing, they ain’t nothing
ain’t a badge in the land that can demand you squawk
if they ain’t your attorney, then don’t talk
and yo I don’t care how much they befriend you
even telling the truth can be used against you
prior statements, the tiniest inconsistency
is fair ground to tear down your credibility
and make sure your loved ones understand this means
you can lean on your family and friends but don’t sing
and don’t think – your cellmate’s shoulder will support you
the time to defend yourself is in the courtroom
but even more important than don’t talk, don’t assume
this kind of stuff ain’t happening because it ain’t happened to you
there’s only one thing true, when it comes to the law
it ain’t one size fits all
the most vulnerable populations know the warning
gays and lesbians, trans and gender non-conforming
sex workers and folks with HIV/AIDS
folks without papers sweating the ICE raids
from communities of color to any kind of “other”
to hearts sporting privilege, stand up for one another
know the law like hip hop knows beats
and tell the police that these are our streets
and in our streets, even non-citizens got rights
check the nlg’s website
but, in the meantime, don’t forget what you heard
if you take one thing, let it be the magic words

Magic Words: Chorus Three (with Anitek)

Melody and Lyrics: Lonnie Ray Atkinson
Vocals: Lonnie Ray Atkinson
Music Track: Instrumental (Gland Man) by Anitek (Anitek (TripHop) and 04 Gland Man by Anitek (TripHop))
Am I free to go
Am I being detained
I do not consent to this search
I do not consent to this search – no
(say it loud so everyone can hear you)
(what happens if they arrest you)
I’m going to remain silent
I want to speak to a lawyer
I am not resisting arrest
I am not resisting arrest – no
(don’t resist, it’ll only work against you)
(one more time, what happens if they stop you)
Am I free to go
Am I being detained
I do not consent to this search
I do not consent to this search – no
(say it loud so everyone can hear you)
(what happens if they arrest you)
I’m going to remain silent
I want to speak to a lawyer
I am not resisting arrest
I am not resisting arrest – no
(don’t resist, it’ll only work against you)
(know your rights, let the magic words work for you)

Magic Words: Outro (with G-O-N)

Lyrics: Lonnie Ray Atkinson
Vocals: Lonnie Ray Atkinson
Music Track: Instrumental (ExpV.2) by G-O-N
You’ve been listening to The Magic Words: A Know-Your-Rights Mixtape
The contents of this mixtape are not meant to substitute for legal advice. For that, you need a lawyer. For now, you need the magic words.
Lyrics and Vocals by Lonnie Ray Atkinson
Song Instrumentals by Anitek
Intro and Outro Instrumentals by G-O-N
Special special thanks to Moria Meltzer-Cohen and the New York Law Collective – Until We Are All Free…
Say them loud so everyone can hear you.
Know your rights and let the magic words work for you.
From Lonnie Ray Atkinson’s profile at
Lonnie Ray Atkinson
On political songwriting:
I spent a long time feeling helpless about how to make the world a better place and coming up with excuses as to why I wasn’t doing more. Hoping I could find a way to make an effective contribution, I turned to songwriting as a form of activism. Free to the public, this work is intended not only as a vehicle for protest, but also as an organizing tool.
A lot of artists are afraid of being labeled “political.” Not me.
I want you to know.
These songs are political. Every damn one of them.
A culture for our movement:
We say we want “a better world,” but the question then arises – what would a better world look like? And while this question automatically triggers electric debate over economic and political relations (focusing on the dynamics of race, gender, class, physical ability, etc), so many of us forget to incorporate the importance of culture into our vision. Likewise, when it comes to strategy, so much of our movement fails to factor in the use of culture.
Since we are asking people to commit time outside of their daily work, we must present a movement that offers those things people need outside of their work lives. We must present a movement with culture.
Aside from work and the material necessities work can provide, a people need art, theater, music, literature, poetry, food and drink, laughter, sports, conversation, sex.
A better world, by definition, should be attractive. Our movement must be attractive. We need a social justice culture. A culture to build our future upon. A culture of both resistance and vision.
If we are serious about our goals, our movement must resemble what we want in a better world. If we are serious about building an effective movement, we need artists, authors, actors, poets, musicians, comedians, playwrights, puppeteers, filmmakers, songwriters, craftspeople, teachers, builders, growers, cooks. We need a culture worthy of our movement.
We need creativity and imagination rooted in a language of principles. A culture that will inspire, provoke, enlighten, and entertain. A culture that will inform our struggle, mourn our losses, and celebrate our victories.
And as our situations change, so will the content of our creative work. Similarly, our cultural identity will not be a homogenous one but a human one. An identity rich with diverse tastes but shared values.
Reflecting this diversity, contributions may at times be offensive, sappy, punk, corny, dissonant, pop, profound. And though contributors may not always be the most gifted, if they are thoughtful and honest, humble and hardworking, they will surely help lay the groundwork for building that better world.
We need a culture for our movement. I want to contribute to that culture.
I hope you will find a way to contribute as well.
You can get in where you fit in, but get in.