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Wednesday, April 4, 2012

New Utah NSA Spy Center – Stores EVERYTHING - Obama secretly signs the patriot act again, spending 2 billion on a 25,000 sq. ft data center in Utah desert, homeland sercurity spent millions on 450 rounds of ammo to protect goverment from its people! YALL MUST SHARE THIS LINK....GET THE WORD OUT.....

U.S. Survival News
March 18, 2012
Obama secretly signs the Patriot Act again, spending 2 billion on a 25,000 sq. ft data center in Utah desert, homeland sercurity spent millions on 450 rounds of ammo to protect goverment from its people!
New Utah NSA Spy Center – Stores EVERYTHING
The following are excerpts from a article titled, The NSA Is Building the Country’s Biggest Spy Center (Watch What You Say), an article stating that the NSA has become the largest, most covert, and potentially most intrusive intelligence agency ever, as it details what we know about the top-secret enormously large and astronomically expensive spy center being built in Utah which will be completed and up and running in 2013.
Every American should know about this…
The article in its entirety can be read here,
source credit to
“They’re storing everything they gather.” And the agency is gathering as much as it can. This statement and others from William Binney, a former senior NSA crypto-mathematician largely responsible for automating the agency’s worldwide eavesdropping network, alarmingly points out what the NSA is planning to do in the Utah desert once they finish building their massive 2 billion dollar – 1 million square foot heavily fortified spy center complex in the little town of Bluffdale.
Once the communications are intercepted and stored, the data-mining begins.
“You can watch everybody all the time with data-mining,” Binney says. Everything a person does becomes charted on a graph, “financial transactions or travel or anything,” he says. Thus, as data like bookstore receipts, bank statements, and commuter toll records flow in, the NSA is able to paint a more and more detailed picture of someone’s life.
The NSA also has the ability to eavesdrop on phone calls directly and in real time. According to Adrienne J. Kinne, who worked both before and after 9/11 as a voice interceptor for the NSA “basically all rules were thrown out the window, and they would use any excuse to justify a waiver to spy on Americans.” Even journalists calling home from overseas were included. “A lot of time you could tell they were calling their families,” she says, “incredibly intimate, personal conversations.” Kinne found the act of eavesdropping on innocent fellow citizens personally distressing. “It’s almost like going through and finding somebody’s diary,” she says.
In secret listening rooms,
NSA software examines every email, phone call, and tweet as they zip by.
But there is, of course, reason for anyone to be distressed about the practice. Once the door is open for the government to spy on US citizens, there are often great temptations to abuse that power for political purposes, as when Richard Nixon eavesdropped on his political enemies during Watergate and ordered the NSA to spy on antiwar protesters.
When Barack Obama took office, Binney hoped the new administration might be open to reforming the program to address his constitutional concerns [the ongoing warrant-less blatant intercept of 'everything']. He and another former senior NSA analyst, J. Kirk Wiebe, tried to bring the idea of an automated warrant-approval system to the attention of the Department of Justice’s inspector general. They were given the brush-off. “They said, oh, OK, we can’t comment,” Binney says.
Sitting in a restaurant not far from NSA headquarters, the place where he spent nearly 40 years of his life, Binney held his thumb and forefinger close together and said…
“We are, like, that far from a turnkey totalitarian state”.
The NSA believes it’s on the verge of breaking a key encryption algorithm—opening up hoards of data.
While today most sensitive communications use the strongest encryption, much of the older data stored by the NSA, including a great deal of what will be transferred to Bluffdale once the center is complete, and is encrypted with more vulnerable ciphers. “Remember,” says the former intelligence official, “a lot of foreign government stuff we’ve never been able to break is 128 or less. Break all that and you’ll find out a lot more of what you didn’t know—stuff we’ve already stored—so there’s an enormous amount of information still in there.”
That, he notes, is where the value of Bluffdale, and its mountains of long-stored data, will come in. What can’t be broken today may be broken tomorrow. “Then you can see what they were saying in the past,” he says. “By extrapolating the way they did business, it gives us an indication of how they may do things now.” The danger, the former official says, is that it’s not only foreign government information that is locked in weaker algorithms, it’s also personal domestic communications, such as Americans’ email intercepted by the NSA in the past decade.

excerpted comments from source article:
Although the burgeoning ability of electronic communications has reached a point where it is now physically possible to monitor everything, all the time, as a species, is this something which we want to engage in? When there is someone constantly aggregating all information about you, what possible purpose could it be put to, EXCEPT to control you?
Nothing good will come of this. And if no one realizes the potential of such systems yet, let me be very clear, when I say, there may come a time when totalitarian control has become so complete, that there will be physically no way to break free of it.
Totalitarianism creeps in slowly under the radar covered it chocolate by well paid Madison Avenue public perception management firms.
In the 30′s most Germans didn’t see it coming either and when they did it was too late! “Those who cannot remember the past, are condemned to repeat it”

It is mind-numbing to imagine what is taking place. EVERY bit of electronic information having to do with YOU is being stored, analyzed, and cataloged. The action itself creates a ‘chilling effect’, causing many to think twice about what they say or do while knowing they are being monitored and recorded by untold numbers of super-computers and data centers within our government. This flies in the face of the freedom of free speech and our ability to protest.
No doubt that this very article is now logged in to one of their data centers somewhere… oops…

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