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Thursday, December 1, 2011

ICELAND - Guns and Knives Confiscated by Reykjavík Police

The Reykjavík Metropolitan Police confiscated a considerable amount of weapons during a raid last week, conducted in connection with their investigation of a recent case of shooting in the capital. The weapons were displayed to the media yesterday.
Archive photo by Páll Stefánsson.
The police have conducted a number of raids in connection with the investigation, one of which resulted in the confiscation of four guns, including a sawed-off shotgun, approximately 50 knives, iron knuckles and ammunition, Morgunblaðið reports.
At yesterday’s press conference it was announced that a man, born in 1980, was arrested on Monday in relation with the confiscation of the weapons. He will remain in custody until December 8. He has a long history with the police.
The man is a member of the motorcycle club Outlaws; there are various indications that the club is connected with the shooting. Two suspects are now in custody because of this case and a third suspect has begun serving an older sentence.
Outlaws are connected with the club Black Pistons, which has now become a formal member of Outlaws. Two Black Pistons members were recently sentenced to prison for assault and deprivation of liberty.
Click here to read more about the shooting and related stories and here to read more about the presence of Hells Angels in Iceland.