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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

New York - Warlocks MC New York third anniversary celebration

Lisa Petrocelli
The Warlocks Motorcycle Club New York  chapter celebrated its third anniversary on Saturday, June 18, at the Bad Pig Saloon in Rotterdam, NY.  The party began with many people arriving around 1:00 PM to mix and mingle before the food was served.  There was some delicious BBQ chicken, pork, and several salads to choose and most people were able to take their plates to the picnic tables out on the deck of the Bad Pig, to eat and  enjoy the sounds of the band, “Rattail Jimmy,”  who were absolutely awesome.  This band played lots of 70’s and 80’s classic rock and the crowd was definitely pleased!  Big John, National President, and his brother Ernie, cut the Warlocks cake later in the day – a “badass” cake that tasted really good!
Many Warlocks brothers from chapters around the country (and beyond) traveled to attend and spend some time with their fellow WMC members.  Since many Warlocks come from the southern states, we can only hope that our New York hospitality proved equal to their own.  It is awesome to see the Warlocks Nation interact with their “family” at these parties, and witness the dedication of so many to make the trip to New York.  President of the NY chapter, Bob, and Ernie (Nomad), although very busy throughout the day, did their best to meet and greet everyone who took the time to come to this event, including several local clubmembers as well as individual bikers (this event was open to ALL).  Bob graciously invited New York Rider Magazine staff members and friends to his home after the party, for some late-night munchies and great conversation.  A few of the Warlocks also spent some time at a local bar near Bob’s house (till the sun came up) and everyone left with a few new friends.
The Warlocks MC  was founded by Tom “Grub” Freeland back in 1967 in Orlando, Florida, and that original chapter is still based there.  The Warlocks have over nine chapters in Florida, five in South Carolina, four in Virginia, three in West Virginia, one in New York, two in Lincolnshire, England, and two in Germany.  There are also several Nomads who live and work in states that don’t have Warlocks chapters.  The club patch is a rendition of the mythological Phoenix (or fire bird) between the top and bottom rockers, colors are black, red and yellow.   For more information on the Warlocks MC,  visit their website at

 Ride Safe ~
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