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Sunday, September 19, 2010

Motorcycle riders, candidates discuss issues

By Jared Fields

Issues such as state sovereignty, border security and government spending dominated discussion Tuesday night before an audience of mostly motorcycle riders.

One might not associate motorcycle riders with politics, but 10 candidates or their representatives spoke and answered questions with members of the Big Country Chapter of the Texas Motorcycle Rights Association during “Meet the Candidates Night.”

“We have always done (these meetings) for ourselves,” said Darryl Mitchell, one of the chapter’s members. “There are a lot of issues we as motorcycle riders feel are important that are not related to motorcycles.”

Mitchell said a change in the association’s charter from educating motorcycle riders to educating residents led the group to open up the candidate forum.

“We’re keeping true to that change of opening up to everybody,” he said.

Candidates or their representatives spoke for up to 10 minutes, then answered questions from the nearly 50 people in attendance.

Five Republican candidates spoke, with state Rep. Susan King the only one among them facing an opponent in November’s elections.

Challenging King is Libertarian candidate Fred Jones, who also spoke at the event. One other Libertarian candidate also attended: Kathie Glass, who is running for governor against incumbent Rick Perry, a Republican, and Democrat Bill White.

Other unopposed Republican candidates who spoke were Robert Harper, County Court at Law No. 1; Downing Bolls, Taylor County judge; James Eidson, district attorney; and Sam Carroll, County Court at Law No. 2.

Representatives for two Democrat candidates — White and Texas House of Representatives candidate Andy Wilson — also addressed the group.

Taylor County Democratic Party Chairman Dason Williams spoke for Wilson. T.G. Caraway, field director for White’s campaign, spoke on behalf of the former mayor of Houston.

Many were asked questions about President Barack Obama’s health care plan, handgun carry laws, border security and government spending.

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