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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Cop talk: Triggering traffic light when riding motorcycle

Q: Monty, I enjoy your column. Hopefully you will find this question of interest, even though you have touched on it in the past.
I ride a motorcycle. A continual problem is that I don’t activate the traffic light sensors on many occasions. This is especially a problem in Anderson. I have sat through many light cycles waiting for the light to turn green for me. Usually it will activate only when another car enters the lane behind me and trips the sensor.
On many occasions I have had to “run” the red light but do not like doing so for obvious reasons.
My question: Are there any vehicle codes that cover this situation that would help my defense in the case of being pulled over or fighting the ticket?
By the way, I have tried complaining to local traffic light maintenance agencies without effect. I still have this problem constantly around Shasta County, especially in Anderson.
I’m sure all of us motorcycle riders would appreciate revisiting and further clarifying this issue as to the relevant vehicle codes that might affect us.
Thanks in advance for your interest.
A: Approximately a year ago we discussed some of these issues regarding traffic signals and their failure to recognize a vehicle. There is a vehicle code section that if you approach an intersection controlled by a traffic signal and the signal is not working, that you should stop, treat it as a stop sign and proceed with caution. If all else fails and you are issued a citation for failing to remain stopped for the red light (this would be very rare) then you could present this section to the court as your defense. It may then become an issue of whether the signal was not functioning properly or you were just impatient. I’d go with the suggestions that I offer in the following.
You’re sitting at the limit line, patiently waiting for the traffic signal to change from red to green and you notice, “Hey didn’t those other guys already go once, and I’m still here.” It’s happened to all of us at least once in our lives and if you ride a motorcycle, it has probably happened to you more than you care for. So, what do you do?
First off, a little background in the system that triggers the traffic signals. Many of our intersections operate with sensors placed in the roadway that detect vehicles through a magnetic field. This detection sends a notice to the light that someone is waiting to proceed. Many signals are set to change based on the demand or volume of traffic and are timed. These intersections generally provide more green light time for the major thoroughfares and change when vehicles operating on side streets approach and want to transition through the intersection. The problem arises many times when the approaching vehicle, for different reasons, misses or is not recognized by the sensor in the roadway and the light is not aware that you are waiting to proceed and unless another vehicle crosses the sensor or your vehicle is repositioned and activates the sensor, you’re stuck.
As I mentioned previously, the sensor is detecting metal crossing over the magnetic field. Many motorcycles do not have enough metal (plastic, lightweight aluminum) to activate the sensor.
To remedy this problem, traffic cameras are installed to monitor vehicles as they approach the intersections and the movement of a vehicle will send a message to the light that there is traffic waiting. Now the problem is the motorcycle is smaller than a passenger vehicle being detected by the camera. This problem many times occurs when a motorcycle enters a designated left turn pocket. The cameras have a limited view of approaching traffic and if the motorcycle operator is in the far left portion of the turn pocket, the camera may not pick up the vehicle’s image.
To clear up another of the big brother is watching theories: these specific cameras are for detecting vehicles for the moment, they are not recording or sending images to CIA operatives under the streets of Gotham. They are solely viewing images and sending signals to the traffic lamps as to what phase to go to next. The red lamp cameras used for enforcement purposes are totally different.
First, before we start jumping red lights, let’s consider a couple possible remedies. I realize that it is not a rider’s or driver’s responsibility to drive a specific way, just to make the signal lights operate properly. But consider as you approach a controlled intersection where there is no traffic ahead of you to make a slight swerving movement within your traffic lane to allow the camera to pick up your image as opposed to coming to a stop in a straight approach. Second, consider operating in the far right portion of the left turn pocket to allow the camera a better exposure of your vehicle. One other option you may consider is once you are stopped, slightly lean your motorcycle over (don’t drop it) to allow a little more metal (engine) to be exposed to the magnetic field.
You’ve tried everything suggested and the light has not changed for your direction and you have counted the traffic in the other direction cycling at least twice. First, I preface this next statement by stating that it is unlawful to proceed through an intersection while you have a red traffic signal. That being said, after you have established that your light has not and does not appear to be changing, you then treat the situation as you would a yield sign, and when it is safe to proceed, you proceed. If you violate anyone’s right of way or in any way become responsible for a collision, you are exactly that, responsible.
Now the next question. Suppose an officer sees me run this light after I did everything that was suggested and pulls me over. What then? I have stated this in many of my responses and it once again comes down to the officer’s judgment and most probably your ability to articulate the situation. Given everything that you now know and the premise that most law enforcement officers have experienced your same situation, I can only hope that the correct decision will be made.
Hopefully this answers a few questions. Now, go out and enjoy the ride.
Monty Hight is a retired CHP officer. He can be reached at