Friday, January 5, 2018

California Lawmakers are insane!!!


California Lawmakers are insane!!! 

Nine HUNDRED new laws go into effect today in California. 

That’s 900 new ways the state has taken total control of your lives without your permission, consultation, or even asking you your opinion on the matter. 

Amongst these laws are increased DMV registration fees, continued Cap and Tax that adds another $.73 per gallon to the $.12 they added in 2017, a defense fund for illegals to the tune of $30,000,000 strictly for fighting deportation (in excess of the funding for public defenders) of criminals in this country illegally, Sanctuary State Laws that make it illegal for local law enforcement to cooperate with Federal Immigration Agencies, the abolition of local polling places for elections meaning 100% mail-in ballots with zero proof of ID or eligibility, Reducing MURDER,RAPE MOLEST,ASSAULT from a Felony to a Misdemeanor, Reducing Knowingly giving another person HIV/AIDS from Felony to Misdemeanor and can Now also Donate Blood at banks, Public Schools will be enforced to add & Teach TRANSGENDER, HOMOSEXUALITY & other Graphic Nature explicitness in curriculum in 2nd & 4th grades, but overall teachings including introductory of Quran starts in Kindergarten up to High school, Marijuana Tax up 25℅, Gun laws- only Licensed sellers permitted, No Sales without passing background checks, No Online sales or shipments or buying from out of state, home County & property taxes, cost of food, water, medical, and many, many, many, more. 

The Liberals have taken complete control of this state and many of these new laws means that Conservatives in CA will have ZERO voice in the state government ever again.