Friday, January 5, 2018

California Now Wants To Ban Something We All Use Every Single Day, This Is Scary

 Andrew Mark Miller

California is an absolute disaster. That’s not really up for debate anymore. Sure, they have nice beaches and good weather and all that stuff. However, Democrats have run the state into the ground over the last few decades.One of the scariest positions that liberals have adopted in California is a rabid ideological stance on climate change. They don’t want to negotiate. They don’t want to exchange ideas. They don’t care about putting people out of work. Whatever they say goes on climate change. In fact, the governor of California openly admits he thinks his political opponents are “troglodytes”.That’s what we are dealing with.Knowing all that, it might not surprise you to hear that one California lawmaker is proposing a bill that’s absolutely insane.
Get rid of all gas-powered cars by 2040.
A California lawmaker introduced a bill Wednesday that would ban the sale of gas-powered cars in the state by 2040.Democratic Assemblymember Phil Ting introduced the Clean Cars 2040 Act in an effort to prevent climate change by cutting back on greenhouse gas emissions from vehicles. If passed, his bill would mandate that all passenger vehicles sold after Jan. 1, 2040, be zero-emission machines.“California has long led the nation in promoting environmental protection and public health through visionary policies and technological innovations,” Ting said in a statement Wednesday. “It’s time that we clear the path for emissions-free transportation and take significant steps to achieve our ambitious emissions reduction goals.”
Do liberals even have any idea what that looks like? How much money it costs? How many jobs are lost? Of course not.
If you aren’t convinced that liberals have destroyed California then check out these new laws that just went into effect.
From The Daily Wire:The entire state will now ignore U.S. immigration law: Because it’s worked so well in San Francisco, California Democrats decided that the entire state should ignore federal immigration law. SB 54 forbids law enforcement officials from asking someone’s immigration or holding them for Immigrations and Customs Enforcement agents — unless they’ve been convicted of a crime. AB 291 prohibits landlords (you know, like, private citizens who own private property) from reporting renters who are in the U.S. illegally.