Saturday, December 30, 2017

DUI Checkpoints Just the Tip of the Iceberg, Cops Now Going Directly into Bars with Breathalyzers

Sacramento, CA — Sacramento cops are rolling out a new program this Memorial day to allegedly combat drunk drivers. While the reasoning for this new program may sound just, its implementation is anything but.
If you are out in a bar this weekend, be prepared to have multiple officers come in and ask the patrons in the bar to blow into a breathalyzer.

DUI roadblocks are apparently not invasive enough, so the Sacramento PD instituted a program to attack the source, the places where alcohol is consumed.
Obviously the site of several armed officers walking into a bar with breathalyzers in hand is a buzz kill, to say the least.
One of the bar patrons who’s been exposed to the program explains, “Admittedly we were a bit put off when we were gonna walk in and saw a bunch of cops with breathalyzers.”
A “bit put off” is an understatement, however.

While these officers are promising not to “test and arrest,” the very idea of police entering private property and having people submit to breathalyzer tests is appalling. The inside of your body is no business of the state and when this clear violation of your personal space is accepted, freedom loses.
This program also leaves the door wide open for entrapment and further rights violating searches by creating unnecessary confrontations.
Hopefully, this program does not take wings and spread to other municipalities as it is a leap forward for the nanny surveillance state, and giant step back for liberty.