Thursday, February 23, 2012

Constitutional violations

I'm searching the internet for Constitutional violations and I a getting upset by the "crying wolf" that I see. For example:

1) If a police officer asks if they can search you, and you give them permission, they are NOT violating your constitutional rights. If you see someone getting searched and you take pictures of them, please be sure that you know what happened before you make a report on the internet.

2) Pat downs are NOT unconstitutional. The US Supreme Court has made very clear rulings on this. Calling them unconstitutional does not help the cause.
3) Taking pictures and video is not unconstitutional and is not obstruction of justice. However, taking pictures in a way that distracts an officer and/or talking to the officers (or yelling at the officers) when you are not part of what is going on can easily warrant an obstruction charge. You don't need to interject yourself into the situation and/or make a scene to report the truth. Please be smart about this.

4) When you say that rights are violated, you might want to be a little more specific. Which right? How? This adds credibility.

5) Not complying with a lawful order by police is a crime. The question is whether the order is lawful or not. Please be careful with this one. I saw a guy refuse to exit his vehicle (a lawful order). Then, he claimed his rights were violated when the police forced him to.

6) Please don't be obnoxious and then claim your rights are violated when the police decide not to put up with your crap. It is not illegal for you to be an jerk, and it is equally not illegal for police to be jerks.

The fact is that, if people continuously claim their rights are being violated when they really aren't, they are hurting the cause and making all of us look foolish. Please don't cry wolf- report the truth, report the facts, and make sure you know what you are talking about before you make accusations.