Thursday, February 23, 2012

Lawmaker: 'Radical' Girl Scouts out to destroy 'American family values'

I am sorry, but this is what popped in my head while reading the article once I hit the web base research part and beyond.
My thoughts: " THIS MOTHERFUCKER is CRAZY....!"
I swear to god our reps has nothing better to do with their time.

Indiana state Rep. Bob Morris, R-Fort Wayne, accuses the Girl Scouts of celebrating feminists, lesbians and communists.

There's an agenda behind those cookies the Girl Scouts sell, one bent on promoting communism, lesbianism and subverting "traditional American family values," according to an Indiana lawmaker.
That's the reason Rep. Bob Morris, a Republican representing Fort Wayne, insists he won't go along with a resolution meant to honor the Girls Scouts on the organization's 100th anniversary. 
Morris owns a chain of nutrition stores, but it's not the fat and sugar in Girl Scout cookies that have him riled up.

"After talking to some well-informed constituents, I did a small amount of Web-based research, and what I found is disturbing," Morris wrote Saturday to Republican House colleagues in a letter obtained by the Fort Wayne Journal Gazette.
Morris alleged that the Girl Scouts of America and the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts "have entered into a close strategic affiliation with Planned Parenthood," which he claimed is trying to "sexualiz(e) young girls through the Girl Scouts."
Even worse, he wrote, only three of the 50 role models promoted by the Girl Scouts have even "a briefly-mentioned religious background."
"All the rest are feminists, lesbians, or Communists," he wrote.
As proof, Morris notes that the "radically pro-abortion" Michelle Obama is honorary president of Girl Scouts of America, which "should give each of us reason to pause before our individual or collective endorsement of the organization."
After learning all this, he wrote, he pulled his two daughters out of the Girl Scouts and instead put them in American Heritage Girls Little Flowers, a parent-run group best described as a center for recovering Girl Scouts.
Michelle Tompkins, a spokeswoman for the Girl Scouts, responded to Morris' assertions by telling NBC station WISE of Fort Wayne, "Not only is Rep. Morris off the mark on his claims, it's also unfortunate in his limited research that he failed to discover that, since 1917, every first lady has served as the honorary leader of Girl Scouts, including Nancy Reagan, Barbara Bush and Laura Bush."
"We believe that leadership is about hearing from all sides of an issue before making up one's mind," Tompkins said. "We only wish we had the chance to speak with the freshman representative before he distributed his letter."
For its part, Planned Parenthood of Indiana called Morris' comments "inflammatory, misleading, woefully inaccurate and harmful," saying he'd insulted not only it but also the Girl Scouts and Obama.
"Planned Parenthood currently has no formal partnership with the Girl Scouts, but supports their mission and recognizes their century of contributions to our society," the organization said in a statement to NBC station WTHR of Indianapolis.
NBC stations WISE of Fort Wayne, Ind., and WTHR of Indianapolis contributed to this report by M. Alex Johnson of Follow M. Alex Johnson on Twitter and Facebook.