Friday, July 23, 2010


MMA Update – Lynnfield asked to Cease Harassment of Motorcyclists
As reported by the Massachusetts Motorcycle Association (MMA) to its membership in April, the Town of Lynnfield voted down an annual Warrant concerning Motorcycle Sound Emissions based largely on the vigilance of its members in attendance. Unfortunately, the Lynnfield Police Department has been stopping and writing citations for Motorcycles verbally stating language used in the Warrant.

The Lynnfield Warrant was based largely on the Boston Noise Ordinance which refers to an “EPA Stamp” on the original manufacturer exhaust. The arguments against this approach are numerous and given that the stamp is difficult to physically observe in most cases and that the compliance to the tests expire, the Town Council struck down the ordinance in favor of existing Massachusetts General Law (MGL).

Please see the MMA pamphlet "When in Town, Throttle Down!" © for more information concerning the “EPA Stamp”.

Reports from MMA members and other Motorcyclists who’ve been issued citations is that while the citations have indeed been written to conform with the MGL, their exhausts have not been tested and statements made by the officers issuing the citations have been that the exhaust is simply “loud” because “there’s no EPA stamp”. In one case, an officer merely looked in the back of the pipes and claimed there were no baffles without any testing.

In correspondence recently sent to the Lynnfield Town Administrator, MMA Chairman Dave Condon, and MMA General Counsel Paul Lancia informs the Town of Lynnfield that the MMA considers this behavior by the Lynnfield Police Department to be blatant harassment of Motorcycles and will use any means available to us in order to prevent it from continuing.

If you are stopped in the town of Lynnfield, you are encouraged to contact the MMA immediately. Please be respectful, but gather the officer’s name and provide all details, including copies of any citations if issued, to the MMA. The MMA *will* stand behind its members!

For more information, please see or contact