Thursday, July 22, 2010

VERMONT:The Vermont State Police are now stopping motorcycle riders

Just when you thought it was safe to don your beanie and ride off into the sunset... there comes this!
The Vermont State Police are now stopping motorcycle riders who are wearing non DOT approved helmet in the State of Vermont. A riding buddy got stopped last week, below is his account of the stop!
I got stopped today down in Brandon by a State cop and the sole reason he stopped me was for the helmet I was wearing.
He checked out my cap for the DOT sticker ,inside thickness and an inside DOT tag or label. I had none..
He stated that it should have an outside sticker, ¾” thickness and MUST HAVE a sewn in DOT tag on the inside to be legal in this State.
I ask him what was going on for I hadn’t heard of anyone being stopped for an illegal helmet.
He stated that the State police have been mandated to crack down on violators and they are going through training now to identify DOT Helmets and non DOT helmets.
7 officers were trained last month and 13 more completed training last week with more to come..
He advised me to spread the word for the 1st fine is $157 and extremely more if you get caught a 2nd time..

I do not know of the validity of this email, but am asking around and looking to see if I can find anything in print. Thus far I haven't been successful! But that doesn't mean that it isn't happening!