Wednesday, April 22, 2015

CA - Former inmate Rusty Coone's life is epitome of inspiration

Here is inspiration at its finest! Having worked with women inmates, I have seen first-hand their loss of hope, the fear of stigma, and the difficulty obtaining employment once released. The fact is the public is too quick to write off individuals who have made bad choices.

Rusty Coones is the lead guitar player for Attika 7, owner of Illusion Motorcycles, co-star Quinn on Sons of Anarchy and yes, a former inmate. Rusty epitomizes hope, accountability, and success. During this interview he is asked by Eric Salas of Rock Thiz Magazine, if he would change anything in his life . . . his answer was no. He explains that  incarceration gave him an opportunity to learn about himself and apply the lessons learned resulting from his actions and the consequences. His experience and personal story has provided him the opportunity to positively impact the lives of others and the result of his incarceration. With an incredible perspective on life, Rusty looks at his experience in prison as having been an opportunity.

Offering hope and a different perspective to inmates so they can turn their lives "right-side up"  is what my program Life Corrections is all about. It also takes the public changing their perception. Watch and really listen to what Rusty has to say and take the opportunity to change yours. You just might look at those most of society has written off in a different light. <3