Friday, May 9, 2014

USA - MRF E-MAIL NEWS Motorcycle Riders Foundation

MRF E-MAIL NEWS Motorcycle Riders Foundation
1325 G Street NW Suite 500 | Washington, DC 20005
202-546-0983 (voice) | 202-546-0986 (fax) |

14NR21 - MRF News Release - Obama Calls for Helmet Laws
7 May 2014

Contact:Jeff Hennie, Vice President of Government Relations and Public Affairs

Obama Calls for Helmet Laws

This week President Obama released his ideal version of a transportation bill. The proposal has a specific provision that would allow the federal government to push a mandatory helmet law, the Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) reports

Buried in the 350 page document is language that would amend current United States code, which provides the motorcycle safety money that would allow “the Secretary [of transportation] or the Secretary’s designee [to] engage in activities with States and State legislators to consider proposals related to motorcycle helmet use laws.”

This provision is unacceptable to the MRF. Labeled as “Support Activity” in the draft legislation, it’s a thinly, veiled stab at a mandatory national helmet law. The wording allows the Obama administration to claim that this is not a push for mandatory helmet laws due to how vague the language is. However, the Department of Transportation has never stated or even suggested allowing for rider choice when it comes to motorcycle helmets. Their official stated stance is that mandatory helmet laws are the silver bullet when it comes to motorcycle safety.

The draft is titled “Generating Renewal, Opportunity, and Work with Accelerated Mobility, Efficiency, and Rebuilding of Infrastructure and Communities throughout America,” or GROW AMERICA Act. You can read the whole document here:

The draft legislation also has incentive grants for graduated auto licensing.

The MRF urges you to contact your Representative in the House and both of your Senators. You can reach the United States Capitol switchboard at (202) 224-3121. In addition, the MRF asks that you contact the White House directly and let them know you are not pleased with the helmet use provisions of President Obama’s GROW AMERICA Act. You can reach the White House several different ways from this website:

The Motorcycle Riders Foundation urges you to join your fellow freedom fighters in Washington on May 15th to lobby Congress and help stop this legislation. Please register for the event on the MRF website. If you have any questions about attending this most important day for motorcyclists, please call the MRF Washington D.C. office.

The MRF is committed to preserving your freedoms in every possible way.