Friday, May 9, 2014

113th Congress, Second Session Policy Positions

113th Congress, Second Session Policy Positions
  1. Mandatory Roadside Motorcycle checkpoints. Fully de-fund any Federal attempt to encourage the states to conduct these checkpoints. Support Sensenbrenner bill HR 1861, and support Senator Shaheen bill S. 2078 a bill to prohibit any future funding of motorcycle only roadside checkpoints.
  1. National Transportation Safety Board. Attempt to limit lobbying of the NTSB.
  1. Centers For Disease Control. Ban CDC from doing anything related motorcycle safety.
  1. NHTSA lobby ban. Support the efforts to retain the ban on the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)ability to lobby State legislators using Federal tax dollars and urging NHTSA  to focus on motorcycle crash prevention and rider education and training.                                                        
  1. Ethanol blended fuel. Support efforts to provide a comprehensive assessment of the scientific and technical research on the implications of the use of mid-level ethanol blends, and for other purposes. We are concerned about the use of E-15 use in motorcycles. Motorcycles have already been prohibited by the EPA from using the blend. Support HR 875
  1. Helmet law. Oppose any and all efforts to implement National helmet law.
  1. Outside agency interference. Oppose all non transportation agencies from issuing any motorcycle related recommendations as the GAO, NTSB and the CDC have recently done.
     8.    Internal Revenue Service. Oppose all attempts of the IRS to limit what 501(C)4 groups can do.