Saturday, March 29, 2014


SLAVE IN MODERN AMERICA - Campaign Notes: Would you believe I receive more requests from folks who like the Slave In Modern America page on Facebook here that I ALSO "like" their cause? As if it is a trade off or a game...Yes, I like the fact children are suffering and you and your small group of friends are doing something to fight child abuse - CAN YOU LIKE ME TOO AND SEND ALL YOUR SUPPORTERS TO MY CAUSE? And that's it...No more word from them, no support from them, no $5 donation at our kickstarter campaign - NOPE - just lead our folks to them...Reminds me of the fight for "biker rights" and how there are some folks who will argue with you for hours that their cause is more important than your cause even though your cause (that bikers should not be discriminated against or suffer unjust profiling and bias) is a JUST CAUSE dealing with the heart of the matter that leads to alllll other biker issues - NOOO, their group and their approach is the right approach and someday they will be famous?! They do not even support your cause that is the heart and soul of the entire issue of biker rights....Hmmmm...its like the causes of competition out their wrapped around egotistical involvement...feel good stuff again...
Well, its the same with this fight child abuse campaign...folks are already working on an issue or cause...too busy for the "Hidden Children" cause...even though the hidden children involve the future OF ALL CAUSES!