Friday, March 28, 2014

USA - Americans Oppose the Obama-Boehner Ammesty Plan

The Obama-Boehner immigration plan would reward millions of illegal aliens with amnesty.
CLICK HERE TO SIGN THE PETITION f you are against this plan:

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Your Three Members of Congress
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Dear Your Three Members of Congress,
According to a new poll by Pulse Opinion Research, 2 out of every 3 Americans oppose the Obama-Boehner immigration plan that would give work permits to illegal aliens before enforcement measures are fully put in place. I urge you to consider this poll and support immigration legislation that aligns with the views of the American people.
The most popular option among survey respondents was to remove the ability of illegal aliens to have U.S. jobs and benefits, and to encourage them to return to their home countries. It is clear that most voters choose to not reward immigration lawbreakers with the ability to compete directly with Americans for jobs.
Please join with your fellow Americans in opposing President Obama and Speaker Boehner's immigration plans. With millions of Americans looking for full-time work, Congress should be focused on getting them back to work and not granting millions of work permits to illegal aliens and new foreign workers.

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