Saturday, March 8, 2014

USA - Combating Distracted Driving

Statement For The Record
United States Senate
Committee on Commerce, Scie
nce, and Transportation
Combating Distracted Driving
The Motorcycle Riders Foundation is pl
eased to offer this statement for
the record before the US Senate
Commerce, Science, and Transportati
on Committee. Today’s hearing on distr
acted driving touched on a lot of
issues surrounding the problem. Multiple approaches were
addressed with no real ag
reement on how to tackle
the issue. The Motorcycle Riders Fo
undation (MRF) would like
to address the potential solutions to this
problem that arguably affect the America motorcycli
ng community worse than any other road users.
The Schumer approach (S 1536) and its companion Hous
e bill (HR 3535) would with hold one quarter of all
Highway funds owed to a state that does not have an
explicit ban of texting while
driving. This approach is
opposed by the MRF. Withholding State owed monies by
the Federal Government is fundamentally wrong and
the MRF will oppose any legislation that does. Secondly, si
ngling out the worst form of
distracted driving will
only force highway users to resort to
other forms of communication and conti
nue to drive distracted. We need a
much more comprehensive approach. Consider the recent Ma
ine law that bans all form
s of distracted driving,
not just one.
We do look forward to reading the Rockefeller/Hutchinson bi
ll. If the bill turns out to
be similar to the way it
was described at today’s hearing we will be in full s
upport. Providing resources to
the States is the best
approach to solving this problem. Le
tting States determine what is best
for their own is the right way to get
people to stop driving distra
cted. Secretary LaHood said it best,” num
ber one is education”. We need to shift
everyone in this country to pay full
attention when operating a vehicle. G
ood laws with proper enforcement and
adjudication is the only way
to make that shift happen.
We applaud the Committee for taking the first step in so
lving what is becoming one of
the worst safety issues
affecting out road user
s and their families.
Thank you for the opportunity to voice our concerns. S
hould the Committee have any questions please contact
the Washington office of the
Motorcycle Riders Foundation
Jeff Hennie
Vice President Government Affairs and Public Relations