Saturday, March 8, 2014

14NR09 - MRF News Release - Motorcycle Checkpoint Bill Introduced in U.S. Senate


14NR09 - MRF News Release - Motorcycle Checkpoint Bill Introduced in U.S. Senate
5 March 2014

Contact:Jeff Hennie, Vice President of Government Relations and Public Affairs

Motorcycle Checkpoint Bill Introduced in U.S. Senate

The United States Senate is seeking to end the unfair practice of federally funded motorcycle-only roadside checkpoints, reports the Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF). Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) has introduced legislation, which would further prohibit the federal government from funding mandatory motorcycle-only roadside checkpoints. Joining her as the lead republican on the bill is Senator Ron Johnson. Also joining, as original co-sponsors, are Senators Joe Manchin (D-WV) and Kelly Ayotte (R-NH).
The federal government funded motorcycle-only checkpoints through a $70,000 grant in 2011. Georgia state police conducted two mandatory motorcycle only checkpoints. They timed the checkpoints with Daytona Florida bike week traffic setting up on the southbound lanes of I-75 and I-95 on March 9th 2012, the same day Daytona bike week began. They did the same setup during the closing day, but set up in the northbound lanes.
The MRF supports this legislation to end these checkpoints whole-heartedly and will be working with the United States Senate to pass this important legislation.
"Motorcycles are an important part of New Hampshire's identity and economy," Shaheen said. "These checkpoints unfairly target motorcycle riders who already have their vehicles inspected and registered just like all motorists. We don't have checkpoints that stop cars to check their tire pressure and we shouldn't for motorcycles either."
“We commend Senator Shaheen for taking on this troubling and important issue,” Said Jeff Hennie, Vice President Government Relations for the Motorcycle Riders Foundation. “To use taxpayer dollars to inconvenience motorcyclists is a practice that should be stopped immediately and we look forward to working with both Senators Shaheen and Johnson to accomplish that.”
Some states are addressing this issue by either prohibiting any motorcycle-only checkpoints, such as Missouri, Virginia, California, North Carolina, or prohibiting the state from receiving any federal dollars like they did in New Hampshire and Illinois.
The MRF urges you to contact both your U.S. Senators and ask them to co-sponsor this important piece of legislation; a bill number is expected soon. The MRF will keep you informed on this important issue.
You can reach the capitol switchboard at (202) 224-3121


This effort is laudable, and I hope it succeeds in eliminating this form of blatantly discriminatory rule enforcement. We need to generate mail to support these congressmen and senators. We can also keep working on the state houses — Ohio, for instance is considering a change to traffic laws to allow motorcyclists to stop traffic for a run.
I am a pleasantly surprised to see the AMA spearheading this effort. It is great to see the AMA supporting motorcyclists, particularly since their tradition has been one of support for motorcycle manufacturers.
I’m not a big supporter of legislative action to fix society, but in this particular case, legislation is probably needed to rein in the out-of-control federal judiciary and LEOs.