Saturday, March 30, 2013

POW Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl


As you maybe aware, Sergeant Bowe R. Bergdahl, United States Army, held captive since 30 June 2009 is the only American service member serving in Afghanistan being held by Taliban allied insurgents known as the "Haqqani".
Press releases by official representatives of both government and the military have stated that the search for Sergeant Bergdahl continues and that all that can be done to return him to the United States is being done. Unfortunately, given that Sergeant Bergdahl has been held captive by enemies of America for three years and nine months, these assurances are beginning to ring hollow to those who are advocating for him.
We understand that obtaining his release is challenging due the complexity of the situation that he is in. It is difficult to understand, however, why the force of the most powerful nation in the world has failed to accomplish his release. The hundreds of thousands of supporters of Sergeant Bergdahl across our country have been waiting for real results in the effort to bring him home yet have been sadly disappointed.
Therefore Honor-Release-Return / The Ride Home, Vietnam Veterans of America Big Bend #96, Vietnam Vets Legacy Vets MC, American Legion, PGR, DAV, Amvets and many others will pull together and respectfully asks that you be an advocate for Sergeant Bergdahl and join us in this nation wide awareness movement on March 28th. (Bowe's birthday) by participating in Florida's "Ride For Freedom" event being held at our State Capitol 11am - 2pm.
It is important we publicly show our support in an effort to gain his freedom and that we all urge our Senators and Congressman to MAKE IT HAPPEN!!! Thanks and feel free to call me with any questions. Kat :)
Kat Mc
The Ride Home Inc.         
Until they all come home..