Saturday, March 30, 2013

Did You Receive Your U.S. Flag and Ribbon?


Wave Your Flag

Dear caring friend,

I hope you received your U.S. flag and ribbon in the mail. Now through Memorial Day, please wave your flag and wear your ribbon to demonstrate your pride for wounded heroes. By doing so, you are showing your support for the programs Wounded Warrior Project® (WWP) provides to aid injured service members in their recovery.

By focusing on developing the mind, the body, economic empowerment, and engagement, WWP hopes to foster the most successful, well-adjusted generation of wounded service members in our nation's history.

One of the many WWP programs is Project Odyssey™. This five-day retreat helps injured warriors work through challenges related to combat stress and helps them build new coping skills while participating in outdoor recreational activities. Another program, TRACK™, is a one-year educational program that gives injured warriors a jump-start on their educational goals by providing academic and vocational training in an environment that meets injured warriors' needs.

Many graduates of the TRACK program go on to become peer mentors. These one-on-one relationships developed between those who are further along in their recovery and newly injured veterans encourage open discussion, which aids in the readjustment and rehabilitation process.

Please take pride in knowing your generous gifts to WWP provide programs that help injured service members recover.

With gratitude on behalf of those who have already paid the price,

Steven Nardizzi
Executive Director
Wounded Warrior Project

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