Thursday, December 27, 2012

Free e-Book “Rats! Stop Snitching” by Claire Wolfe

The text below is from, which houses a free e-book written by Claire Wolfe that aims to share information on how you can safeguard yourself from folks who have ulterior motives (often because they subsist on a salary or payoff of stolen money).
The book has been uploaded to and is embedded below.
Read. Think. Share. Act!
rats claire wolfe copblock 227x300 Free e Book Rats! Stop Snitching by Claire WolfeThese days, law enforcement at all levels — from the local cop shop to obscure federal agencies — uses snitches to trap ordinary people. Snitches tell lies that send their friends to jail. Paid agents provocateurs talk or trick otherwise harmless people into committing crimes. In many places, Snitch culture has virtually replaced real investigation of real crimes.
Don’t think you’re exempt if you’re a “law-abiding citizen.” The most trusting, naive, innocent people often make the easiest targets for these weaselly, lying, opportunistic vermin. Snitches specialize in targeting the vulnerable.
You may be in danger if you are:
  • A political activist
  • A recreational drug user
  • A hobbyist or business person who works with “sensitive” materials
  • A member of an unpopular religion
  • A gun owner or dealer
  • A participant in the underground economy
  • A photographer or videographer
  • A controversial thinker or writer
  • Or you just happen to hang out with the wrong people
Snitches are everywhere and they’re hard to detect. This brief, FREE ebook, Rats, can help you:
  • Identify a snitch
  • Protect yourself against snitches and agents provocateurs
  • Protect your friends or colleagues
  • Know how to handle yourself if you get arrested
It could even help you avoid being pressured into becoming a snitch, yourself.
Rats is the work of ex-cops, lawyers, security experts, experienced activists, outlaws, former outlaws, trained interrogators, and more. In the hour or so it takes you to read their information, you’ll gain a lifetime’s worth of armor against snitches, informers, informants, agents provocateurs, narcs, finks, and similar vermin.
Download the Rats ebook now. All absolutely FREE.
Thanks to Michael W. Dean for putting this publication on my radar!