Saturday, March 3, 2012

CA - Decision could be near on Camp Pendleton crosses

North County Times |

  • Marine Corps officials are nearing a decision on whether a pair of memorial crosses erected without sanction at Camp Pendleton will stay or go.
    Nearly four months have passed since a military atheist group complained the crosses constitute an impermissible endorsement of Christianity.
    The group, the Military Association of Atheists and Freethinkers, contends the crosses ---- on a hill above Camp Horno in the northern section of the base ---- violate the law because they represent an endorsement of a specific religion on public land.
    Christian groups and others have taken the opposite view and lobbied to let the crosses stay.
    A Marine Corps spokeswoman said Friday a decision has taken so much time because of the potential ramifications.
    "This is a very sensitive and complex issue with a lot of individuals and organizations with interest in the resolution," the spokeswoman said.
    The first cross was put up in August 2003. Several troops involved in that effort were later killed in Iraq.
    Pentagon regulations forbid the promotion of one particular religion. The Department of the Navy also has a process for designating memorials, which wasn't followed for the crosses.

    Memorial cross