Saturday, March 3, 2012

7 easy ways to save on gas costs, You can't do much about rising fuel prices, but there are still ways to ease the bite, including some simple maintenance and changes in your driving habits.

Image: Gas station © Purestock Purestock Getty Images

With gas prices almost doubling since 2009 and still on the rise, Americans are finding themselves spending hundreds of dollars a month to fuel up. If you find yourself cringing every time you pull in to a gas station, making just a few changes could help ease the pain.
Here are seven simple ways to save money on gas:

1. Have your tires checked. Head to the nearest tire store or mechanic to make sure your tires have enough air in them; check your wheel alignment on the same trip. Poor alignment can reduce your mileage while also causing unnecessary wear and tear. Check your car's manual to make sure you know how much air to put in each tire. Some models require different amounts in the front and back tires. A four-wheel alignment typically costs less than $100 and takes only about an hour.

2. Search for the best deals. Use online tools and apps to find the lowest gas prices in town. Free mobile apps like GasBuddy make it easy to track down local gas stations with the lowest prices. A bonus: Reporting prices in your area can enter you into prize giveaways. Mapquest also has a gas-prices tool that lets you see national highs and lows at a glance, and can find gas prices at any intersection, address, or city using a basic search tool.
3. Stop speeding. The Consumer Federation of America reports that you can reduce fuel consumption by 7% for every five miles per hour you cut back on the highways. This equates to saving about 27 cents per gallon by reducing your speed from 70 to 65. Gas mileage decreases rapidly once you hit the 55-miles-per-hour mark. Simply driving slower could help you save on a sizable portion of your gas expenses this month.

4. Get a tune-up. Head to the mechanic for a tuneup, and get your fluids topped off while you're there. A properly tuned car will burn gas more efficiently, boosting your mileage -- which translates to saving money. Tuneup costs and basic performance checks vary by vehicle, but it's an annual checkup you won't want to miss.
5. Take your foot off the brake. Riding the brakes is a bad driving habit -- and a costly one. You reduce your fuel efficiency when you keep your foot on the brakes, so make a conscious effort to take your foot off the pedal and use the brakes only when you want to slow down significantly or come to a complete stop. Make smaller reductions in speed simply by letting your foot off the accelerator. This easy change in your driving habits could be all you need to cash in on some gas savings by the end of the month.
6. Take advantage of gas card benefits. Consumers with good spending habits can use gas rewards credit cards to earn cash back on every fuel purchase. If you have a long commute or take care of multiple vehicles, you can end up spending hundreds of dollars on gas every month, so the rewards can really add up. Take a good look at the terms and benefits of your credit card rewards programs to ensure you're making the most of your purchases.
7. Drive more smoothly. Pay attention to the road and avoid major traffic areas so you can accelerate and decelerate more smoothly. Sudden starts and stops take their toll on your engine and on your mileage. Accelerate gradually and use your cruise control often so you can coast along when conditions allow it. Minimizing braking, keeping your foot off the brake (see No. 5), and driving at a steady pace not only can make for a more comfortable ride, but they will also help you save money on gas.
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