Friday, February 24, 2012

ILLINOIS - McConnaughay endorsed by ABATE motorcycle rider group

McConnaughay endorsed by ABATE motorcycle rider group

ST. CHARLES, IL - A.B.A.T.E. of Illinois (A Brotherhood Aimed Toward Education) today endorsed Karen McConnaughay in the 33rd Senate District. The organization represents over 12,000 motorcycle riders across the state in 60 chapters, committed to preserving individual rights. ABATE is one of the more effective political and legislative grassroots advocacy groups in the state, having consistently prevented the legislature from imposing government restrictions on the rights of riders.
"I am very proud of this endorsement," said McConnaughay. "ABATE stands for freedom and less government intrusion in our lives...values I share fully."
ABATE sponsors numerous rider education programs and is a leading advocate for motorcycle education and safety, but they strongly believe that safety is the result of educated riders and drivers, not government mandates that impinge on personal freedom.
The endorsement comes amidst a string of recent endorsements for McConnaughay from individuals like Congressman Peter Roskam and Congressman Randy Hultgren, and groups like the Illinois Chamber of Commerce, Tax Accountability, the Chicagoland Chamber of Commerce, Stand for Children, McHenry County Right to Life and the Illinois State Rifle Association.
"ABATE's endorsement is prized because the group is experienced in political organizing and makes a real difference on the campaign trail," said McConnaughay. "I have been fortunate to have ABATE's support in the past and it will be a great help to my campaign this year."
The March 2012 EBoard meeting will be held at: Sunfield Restaurant; 2754 Columbus; Ottawa, IL. The phone number is: 815- 434-5500.
The meeting change location is to check out the grounds for the state party.
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Thank you,
Laural Stegall
State Secretary
ABATE of IL, Inc.