Friday, February 24, 2012


Hb's 285 and 290 which are mandatory helmet bills by Representative Mary Flowers and which we 0PPOSE and HB1986 which we support, were not called today and will be on the calender for further consideration next week.

The 2 ethanol bills (HB4700 and SB3616)that we are watching were not given Committees as of this writting. While waiting, the members in State Senator John Sullivans(SB3616 Bill Sponsor)district, and State Rep.John Bradley (HB4700 Bill Sponsor)(State Rep. Don Moffitt (Chief Co-Sponsor) should be calling and voicing their opinion and ask that these bills not be moved.
PH#s are Springfield District
Sullivan (217) 782-2479 (217) 222-2295
Bradley (217) 782-1051 (618) 997-9697
Moffitt (217) 782-8032 (309) 343-8000
HB1986 (OHV's traveling on certain rural roads) which we SUPPORT. Sponsored by John Bradley. When you call his office on the ETHANOL Bill Thank him for this bill.

SB3452 the ISP bill being sponsored by Senator Donnie Trotter is in the Senate Transportation committee and is scheduled for Friday.
I am not sure if we will sit down before this bill is called or after to amend it but Senator Trotter kmows we are to get together to "Massage" this bill of its rough spots and areas of concern.

I cannot express this enough! We need to be helping our "Friends" through these tough primary elections We need to be there for them so they are there for us in the future. If you have some doubt or are confused just look in your newsletters and see who our "Friends" are.

Bob Myers
State Legislative Coordinator
ABATE of Illinois, Inc.