Thursday, September 22, 2011

CANADA - Biker denied bail in alleged attempted hit

BY: Mike McIntyre
Biker denied bail in alleged attempted hit
Ken Gigliotti  / Winnipeg Free Press archives
A cruiser is taken away after an alleged hit attempt.
Ken Gigliotti / Winnipeg Free Press archives A cruiser is taken away after an alleged hit attempt.
A Winnipeg man linked to an emerging biker gang will remain in jail for his alleged role in a suspected gang hit prevented by police.
Guy Wesley Vernon Stevenson, 21, was denied bail Monday during a hearing covered by a court-ordered publication ban. Stevenson, who has ties to the Rock Machine, was seeking a return to the community following his arrest last month. The Crown was opposed to his release.
None of the details presented in court nor provincial court Judge Carena Roller's reasons for denying bail can be published.
Two co-accused are also facing several charges stemming from the incident. Stevenson's girlfriend, Amanda Freeman, was previously released on bail. Joseph Choken, another Rock Machine associate, remains behind bars.
None of the allegations have been proven.
Crown lawyer Brent Davidson told court during Freeman's bail hearing that police officers threw themselves into the line of fire to potentially save the life of a Hells Angels associate. He also revealed comments allegedly made by an arrested Rock Machine member about future violence. There was no publication ban on her hearing.
Police had been on high alert following more than a dozen incidents between members and associates of the Rock Machine and the Hells Angels, including firebombings and drive-by shootings.
Davidson told court police received information that a Hells Angel was going to be targeted at his residence on Antrim Road. Officers set up surveillance outside the home and on nearby streets.
Just after 12:30 a.m. on Aug. 9, a Dodge Avenger began circling the block, Davidson told court. Two male prospective members of the Rock Machine and the young woman who owned the vehicle were inside, he alleged. Police sprang into action when the Hells Angel associate stepped out of his home as the Avenger pulled up. Police smashed into the Avenger, boxing it in. Police arrested the occupants and seized a loaded .45-calibre handgun. Three officers suffered minor injuries.