Thursday, July 28, 2011

AUSTRALIA - Bikie arrested over Sydney assault

A BIKIE member has been arrested in Sydney for a serious assault.
Police allege the 28-year-old man became involved in an altercation with another man as he was walking with a woman along Morris Street, in beachside Maroubra.
The argument escalated and the 36-year-old man was allegedly assaulted and knocked to the ground.
As he was lying on the ground, the bikie allegedly inflicted further injuries on him.
The woman was assaulted as she tried to intervene.
The alleged offender then fled the scene.
The injured man and woman were taken to Prince of Wales Hospital for treatment.
The member of the outlawed motorcycle club was arrested at a home unit on Morris Street yesterday morning.
He was taken to Maroubra Police Station where he was charged with maliciously inflicting grievous bodily harm and affray.
He was refused bail and is due to appear in Waverley Local Court today.