Thursday, May 26, 2011

JUST A REMINDER, This is just a reminder about this law......This law applies to most states, and The fine for this violation in some states can be HUGE !

This is just a reminder about this law......This law applies to most states, and The fine for this violation in some states can be  HUGE !

V C Section 21809 Stationary Emergency Vehicle or Tow Truck
Freeway: Stationary Vehicles Displaying Emergency or Warning Lights
21809.  (a) A person driving a vehicle on a freeway approaching a stationary authorized emergency vehicle that is displaying emergency lights, a stationary tow truck that is displaying flashing amber warning lights, or a stationary marked Department of Transportation vehicle that is displaying flashing amber warning lights, shall approach with due caution and, before passing in a lane immediately adjacent to the authorized emergency vehicle, tow truck, or Department of Transportation vehicle, absent other direction by a peace officer, proceed to do one of the following:
(1) Make a lane change into an available lane not immediately adjacent to the authorized emergency vehicle, tow truck, or Department of Transportation vehicle, with due regard for safety and traffic conditions, if practicable and not prohibited by law.
(2) If the maneuver described in paragraph (1) would be unsafe or impracticable, slow to a reasonable and prudent speed that is safe for existing weather, road, and vehicular or pedestrian traffic conditions.
(b) A violation of subdivision (a) is an infraction, punishable by a fine of not more than fifty dollars ($50).
(c) The requirements of subdivision (a) do not apply if the stationary authorized emergency vehicle that is displaying emergency lights, the stationary tow truck that is displaying flashing amber warning lights, or the stationary marked Department of Transportation vehicle that is displaying flashing amber warning lights is not adjacent to the freeway or is separated from the freeway by a protective physical barrier.
Added Sec. 2, Ch. 375, Stats. 2006. Effective January 1, 2007.
Amended Sec. 1, Ch. 175, Stats. 2009. Effective January 1, 2010.

John Del Santo