Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Australia - Victorian laws to ban bikie clubhouse barricades


A BAN on outlaw bikie gangs fortifying their clubhouses in Victoria will be part of new laws to tackle crime among the groups often linked to violence and drugs.
Victoria Police also has rebadged its Echo Taskforce, originally set up to investigate ethnic gang violence, to focus on outlaw motorcycle gangs, which have infiltrated nightclubs, the security industry, drug trafficking and prostitution.

Detective Superintendent Doug Fryer said taskforce officers had raided up to 20 premises including outlaw bikie gang clubhouses.

Charges were laid after officers seized loaded pistols, revolvers, pump-action shotguns, semi-automatic weapons, tasers and drugs, he said.

"OMCGs (Organised Motorcycle Gangs) who use firearms and violence and intimidation should be put on notice that Victoria Police and indeed the community won't tolerate it and are actively investigating these areas," Det Supt Fryer told reporters in Melbourne.
"There is certainly intelligence that some OMCGs are linked to the liquor industry, the brothel industry and in part some of the building industry."

There are 24 bikie gangs with 56 clubhouses across Victoria and the Victorian government is working on draft laws to tackle outlaw elements.

Under the proposed laws, the Victorian Supreme Court would have the power to declare a gang illegal if its existence represents a serious threat to public safety and order.

A Government spokesman said the draft laws would include anti-fortification provisions to stop outlaw bikie gangs setting up clubhouses fortified by protective barricades.

"The Government expects the legislation to be introduced this year," the spokesman said.

Det Supt Fryer said Victoria Police was keenly watching the outcome of a High Court challenge to similar NSW legislation.

Membership numbers of outlaw bikie gangs nationally had swollen from 3000 in 2007 to 4000 last year.

Det Supt Fryer is also in charge of a taskforce investigating the murder of underworld figure Carl Williams