Thursday, March 24, 2011



In Reference to Florida Senate 2011 SB-608

Having dealt with both legislators and unions for many years I will start off by saying I think they are asking for to much and that will give them a point to negotiate to.

Let’s ask for jail time though we know we are not going to get that and then we settle for the money which is what we are really after.

When talking to legislators I am often asked: What is the financial impact on the state? Okay is the state going to make money from this or is it going to cost us money.

Well this bill is all About Making Money for the State of Florida.

If anyone looks at the bills that Evers and Doc Reichenbach (ABATE of Florida) have been involved in that is exactly what has happened, the State of Florida ended up making a lot of money.

When one of the bills pass ABATE always seems to end up getting some kind of grant.

This looks very suspicious to me.

Increasing the fines are what it is really about. Okay add sending offenders to Driver Improvement also makes money for their supporters and the state gets a piece of that through taxes as well.

Since a vehicle is involved suspending driving is in the scope of things. Pay attention to your driving and Not be in a Crash and or Collision or the state is going to order you to stop operating a vehicle for a period of time. Of course this often leads to more arrests, fines and schools as many continue to drive and do get caught.
This Bill Will Do Nothing To Lower Crashes and Collisions or Save Lives!

AS long as Money Goes To The State and Not The Victim and or Their Families I will be Opposed to This Type Of Legislation.

To prove that I am wrong in thinking this is just about making money I am suggesting that the wording be changed to any fine that is to be imposed the law Must Say The Money Goes To The Victim and or Their Family!
How about adding that the person at fault has to give up 10% of their pay until the injured party and or parties are full compensated and that the money must be taken out of the persons pay Prior To Them Getting It. Any costs involved will also be incurred by the guilty party.

That is the kind of thing that will make people take responsibility for their actions.

Sturgis Freedom Fighters
Motorcycle Hall Of Fame Member 2005