Thursday, March 24, 2011

ABATE of Florida Update 3/22/11

Besides what was written in NCOM News about Doc visiting Dave Zien the following was sent out by one of ABATE of Florida’s Presidents

Please Note: It uses Dave to PUSH the HB 403 which ABATE of Florida is behind.

This further indicates to me as it has to others that Doc Reichenbach was more interested in promoting himself and the bill in the Florida Legislature than helping Dave Zien.


I am against people calling and jamming phone lines as it is a attempt by ABATE to make legislators think they are larger than they are and have more support for this than they do.

Many ABATE members are against This Bill.

It reminds me of OBAMA’S Health Care Bill – Sign It And Then We Will Tell You What Is In It.

The information on the State of Florida web site is very vague about the actual wording of this bill.

I did notice in Strongbow’s comment did mention Mandatory Jail Time. I would suspect there would be fines as well, but do not see any mention of that,

There is plenty of time for Everyone To Get A Full Copy of The Bill and then Decide if they want to support it or not.


Sturgis Freedom Fighters

Motorcycle Hall Of Fame Member 2005


From: Miami Mike [
To: undisclosed-recipients:
Subject: ABATE of Florida Update 3/22/11

Date: Thu, 17 Mar 2011 16:25:54 -0400
From: President-Abate

To: -, President Abate PB, PB -
Brothers and Sisters,
Here's a perfect example of why we need all motorcyclists to contact Rep. Drake to get HB 403 scheduled at next weeks Transportation and Highway Safety subcommittee meeting.

Please, make that call, it takes less than a minute. This needs to be done and it must be done now, we cannot allow this judicial apathy and injustice to continue.


Former Senator & Motorcyclists Rights Advocate Severely Injured When His Bike is Cut Off

Tallahassee, FL, March 16, 2011 - Former Wisconsin State Senator David Zien, a strong motorcyclist rights advocate, was airlifted after being seriously injured this past Sunday morning while riding his Harley Davison motorcycle on I-10 in Jackson County, FL. Ryan G. Matheny of Ohio was driving his SUV with a suspended driver’s license when he attempted to change lanes, lost control, and flipped the SUV directly in front of Zien.

The collision resulted in Zien having his left leg amputated above the knee, and two plates being implanted in his hip.
James “Doc” Reichenbach II, President of ABATE of Florida, Inc. and friend of Zien, has been with him over the last few days. “Former Senator Zien is resting in the Intensive Care Unit and needs as much rest as he can get” said Doc Reichenbach. “He’s in good spirits”. The Intensive Care Unit is rapidly filling up with flowers from well-wishers, and Former Senator Zien is very grateful, but asks that everyone please refrain from sending more as there is limited room in the Unit.
Matheny, the driver of the SUV, only had minor injuries and was cited by the Florida Highway Patrol for Improper Lane Change and Driving With a Suspended Driver’s License.

According to Florida Statute 316.085(2), “Improper Change of Lane” is only a $60 fine. The driving while his license was suspended could result in probation, or possibly even be dropped by the State. Those are extremely small penalties when considering that Zien was in no way at fault when Matheny, driving illegally and out-of-control, crashed directly in-front of him, and cost Zien his leg and numerous surgeries to come.

This case is the EXACT reason why ABATE of Florida, Inc. is pushing our Florida House Bill HB403 and Florida Senate Bill SB608. If our Bills become law, drivers causing crashes like the one that cost Zien his leg, or worse, other motorcyclists’ their lives, would be looking at mandatory jail time. No longer would drivers like this get away with almost no repercussions.

Please keep David Zien in your thoughts and prayers. We wish him well in his upcoming recovery, and we will continue to keep his condition in our minds as we fight for stiffer penalties for drivers severely injuring and killing motorcyclists.

We have all heard the stories where ABATE jammed a legislators phones so much that the legislators had to call Doc to get the members of ABATE to stop calling. Now it is time to see if we still have that power! Get everyone you know to call Rep. Drake and ask him to include HB 403 in the next Transportation and Highway Safety subcommittee.

Just follow the direction below and please send this to all your Chapter members........
Please call State Representative Brad Drake, Chairman of the House Transportation and Highway Safety Subcommittee.
“Hello, my name is _______ and I am a member of ABATE of Florida at __________ Chapter , I am calling to ask Rep. Drake to schedule HB 403 next week for his Transportation and Highway Safety Subcommittee. It is very important for me that HB 403 gets heard as soon as possible. Thank you, very much.”
You may get a voice mail; if so just say what is written above. You may feel free to change any of the words to suit your style.
If you get a live person they may ask where you live when you are done
His Tallahassee phone number is 1-850-488-4726 His District phone number is 1-850-892-8431