Friday, February 25, 2011

The Teachings that the Egyptians Got to Revolt - mirror BOLT's values...

...and those BOLT values spawned Guerrilla Lawfare!
Check out this article sent to me by a VMC Rider friend in Texas:

Gene Sharp: Author of the nonviolent revolution rulebook

Here are some exerpts of that article...

His central message is that the power of dictatorships comes from the willing obedience of the people they govern - and that if the people can develop techniques of withholding their consent, a regime will crumble.

Designed to be the direct equivalent of military weapons, they are techniques collated from a forensic study of defiance to tyranny throughout history.

"These non-violent weapons are very important because they give people an alternative," he says. "If people don't have these, if they can't see that they are very powerful, they will go back to violence and war every time."
President Hugo Chavez used his weekly television address to warn the country that Sharp was a threat to the national security of Venezuela.

When I met Srdja Popovic the director of CANVAS in Belgrade in November he confirmed that they had been working with Egyptians. "That's the power of Sharp's work and this non-violent struggle," he says. "It doesn't matter who you are - black, white, Muslim, Christian, gay, straight or oppressed minority - it's useable. If they study it, anybody can do this."

"One of the main points which we used was Sharp's idea of identifying a regime's pillars of support," he said. "If we could build a relationship with the army, Mubarak's biggest pillar of support, to get them on our side, then we knew he would quickly be finished."
